I was watching a YouTube video of a guy changing the oil on a Prius, and noticed he drove the front wheels onto ramp devices so that the car was not level. I haven't gotten under my Prius and opened up the shroud yet to check it out, but it appears from videos as though the drain plug is at the front of the sump pan. Does that mean you'd get incomplete drainage if the front of the car is tilted up? Does anybody think it's important to keep the car level while changing oil?
The drain plug is on the back side of the oil pan. The car needs only to be level when topping off the oil level.
The one time you need the car level during a fluid change is with transaxle fluid, when filling with the car raised. But yeah, for oil change, the pros would likely have the car level on a hoist, but having it tilting back is fine, might even drain better.
Yea the only part that will make a difference will be when you top off the oil, you should get car off ramps for this part.