I stopped off in the supermarket this afternoon. This car was parked next-but-one to mine. I have to admit I was very impressed.
I think that's the difference between us. Here people would either not notice or think it's funny. You'd probably end up with loads of van drivers, taxi drivers and probably a couple of cops winding their windows down at the lights and having a laugh with you about it.
Personally I think it is hilarious. However..I would go to 0$ deductible on my comprehensive coverage were I unwise enough to do that here. You would get keyed (at a minimum) within a week outside "select" communities. Then there is always "the other guys".
^ the Goofy video... Sad how we still have the same problems we had 60+ years ago. Replace the newspaper with a smartphone and it's still spot-on accurate.
Oh Lord it's that cartoon!?! It's the only one they play in my Doctors waiting room, well that and an old Pink Panther. But it's right, 70 years on and things are still the same.