Noticed my two front tires went bald very quickly after my last regular service and wheel alignment at the dealership 2 months ago. It's really car lost control for a couple seconds last week on a rainy day. Went to have the dealer inspectors check it out and they were shocked at how bad the tires looked. Has anyone else had this problem???
probably make a fortune. just look at all the carp they sell in auto parts stores that don't actually do anything. no offense, but looking through your 13 posts, i think you have a small problem with over reaction. i'm sure everything will be fine.
Buy new tires and never use a dealership for wheel alignment, there are speciality shops for that. After that is done drive the car a couple hundred miles and check the tires for uneven wear.
Some have had the problem at 35k miles with Toyo tires. What kind of tires did yours have (several OEM)? How many miles does it have? Were the tires rotated every 5k miles per requirements?
The "smoking gun" seems to be the dealership's alignment job. The only thing adjustable is toe-in, I think. So strong possibility they messed that up. Just to calm down a bit: how much tread is currently left on the rear tires, to compare? And how many miles on this set of tires?