Dave, my understanding of the term glide is that no power is being supplied and no regeneration is occuring. Therefore, your speed is irrelevant: you can never maintain speed in glide unless you are going downhill. Glide mode is possible regardless of your speed (providing the engine is warm) and on a level surface your speed will slow down constantly as long as you remain in glide. We've yet to hear if the OP was using the term "glide" as we have generally come to use it here on PC.
Glide is a term that only applies to Prii with "stock" instrumentation to monitor the HSD system. As we move into CAN View we begin to delve a bit deeper. The "stock" system is more tolerant of small amounts of amperage going from the battery (? not sure it is coming from there) to the system. So with the MFD no arrows, i.e. "Glide mode" the CAN View shows about double the energy expenditure that one sees at rest. Interestingly the MFD shows almost any degree of charging as power to the battery. That is one of the reasons that "dead band" is so hard to achieve, you really need to be very near no energy transfer or a bit negative to do that. I can achieve "Glide" mode with -5-8 amps with the throttle monitoring showing 0 or almost 0 from the CAN-Bus as I press on the throttle it take some pressure before the - amps start rising and that appears to show up on the MFD. Remember that those of us with the CAN View do not get that screen simultaneously but we have to switch back and forth and that takes a second. I interpreted that a energy coming from the battery. You have to watch out for the CAN View people around here they are playing with a stacked deck. We may be seeing things that others can't. I would expect the definitions we are working with will change or we will add other words to the lexicon to describe what is going on.
Hi All, Ok on all the terminology. But its still not clear to me that ChiPri understood that to be NO-ARROWs mode. Anyway, glide happens so rarely here in Chicagoland in my driving experience with the Prius (between 10 and 50 F), that I forgot completely about it. The only time I see glide is on the last third of highway leg of my drive home on a sunny day, when traffic is slow/go but no faster than 45, and then maybe for a second or two in one out of ten accellerate/decellerate cycles. After dropping into electric glide - stealth - whichever other term there is for it (daniel) traffic will typically slow down. As I approach traffic and lift throttle the car drops into regenerate instantly. "Glide" might happen, but very rarely. If traffic were to begin the pull away I would increase throttle and the car jumps back into stealth, with no glide. If I spent time enough looking at the MFD to modulate the throttle into glide mode, there would be a big risk of driving into the car in front.
"Glide" in the classic sense happens between 30 and 40 mph. Over and under that, it is tough. Car not warmed up no go. Battery over or under charged (a relative term) no go. This is a complex system that is just gradually being under stood. Unless Toyota spills the beans! Nooot
Thanks, Dr. Fusco: Thanks for the clear and Prompt answers concerning current flow in the glide state of the Prius. I seems that my questions about details of the glide state are more significant for the energetics of the stealth state. That is helpful information. I hope the experts can get the Canview working for the '06. As a research scientist, I would enjoy being able to measure these things for myself. Rick Denney, Ph.D.
I like the term golf-cart mode, after a friend told me the car was as quiet as a golf cart as I backed out of the garage. However, the term "golf-cart mode" does not seem to have caught on. My distaste for all things militaristic does not seem to be shared by many folks here on prius Chat.
Well, I think that "Golf Cart" has been a pejorative term for EV and HEVs for a while. To a lot of folks it suggests an underpowered toy fit for the golf course or the senior citizen gated community but no street worthy. Now, I suppose you could try to pull a Yankee-Doodle with it but "stealth" already seems to have captured the imagination of many a Prius nerd.
I agree that "stealth" has "captured the imagination of many a Prius nerd" but I agree with Daniel that "golf cart" is better.
I'm the OP. The good news is that "glide" appears to again be working today. I guess the conditions were just such the other day to inhibit it. Crazy terminology discussions have broken out regarding the use of glide, stealth, etc. I'm not sure why it seems unclear to so many readers as to what I intended "glide" to mean in my original post. If you look at the post above, I think it's pretty clear that I'm talking about lightly pressing the gas pedal in order to get the car to effectively go into neutral and display no arrows. This seems to be the commonly agreed to use for this term. Thanks again for all the input! Some of it did sound a little crazy, but I enjoyed the debate nonetheless!
This reply is in response to daniel's antipathy around the term "stealth." It is interesting that you associate this with the military. I am guessing that this is related to our own Stealth Bomber and Stealth Fighter that are difficult to detect with radar? It is interesting how the military mindset manages to hijack almost every aspect of our culture, most especially, and subliminally, our thinking... The character of the word is really more related to theft. If you think stealing, as in robbing, you will be more accurately in tune with 'stealthiness.' As in, "The Stealth Bombers are stealing the homes and lives of the civilians." I find that whenever I am talking with someone unfamiliar with the Prius, I use the electric golf-cart comparison. This has always been received very positively. People are immediately informed as to what you mean and, for the most part, this is associated with social recreation in pleasant, summer circumstances. "Stealth" has become entrenched in the vernacular of the hybrid-savvy as the descriptive term for quiet, electrically propelled transport. (Does anyone know if this term was ever customarily applied to the movement of electric golf carts?) I suspect that, for the persons who originally used the term and found it appealing (as I did), it conjured up a sense of occult, feline power. Perhaps a hint of some serious hunting prowess that included intelligence and craft... Unfortunately, the etimology of the word is more suggestive of furtive skulking about, of something stolen or of someone or something about to steal. In an attempt to find some aspect of the word that is both useful and in keeping with its true meaning, it does serve to highlight the danger of someone stepping in front of us in a parking lot because they do not expect a ton of vehicle to be so stealthfully navigating near them. I would definitely prefer not to steal the life or health of someone with my Prius! And, in spite of the negative connotations, it is, on the whole, better than being stealthless, I suppose. storm petrol