Hello everyone, long time lurker and finally looking to purchase a Prius. A local Toyota dealer has a one owner 2010 Prius III with navigation and the solar roof, however it has 165,000 miles. The asking prices is a little over $10k. I looked over all of the maintenance records on ToyotaOwners.com and everything looks good. Would this be something to avoid? Thanks in advance!
I see nobody bothered to comment here? Did you buy it? I have owned a Prius, and looking at another thats a 2010, so I am in the same boat. Would be interested to see if you bought it and how it is doing.
I looked into used ones and couldn't justify it. However, I'm also looking into leaving the Prius market, for it will take 75K miles for a Prius to catch up financially with the Camry gasoline ( 650 gallons of gas or so) Let's assume the car goes for 200,000 miles before it needs replacement of major components, call that the useful life of the car. If that is the case, it looks like you are paying $10,000, plus taxes, fees and registration (perhaps?) for a car that has 35,000 miles left. Use your vehicle OTD for the following. Let's assume you drive 20K miles per year. The car has 1.75 years left before major work. So, you are paying $5.6 k per year, or $0.28 p/mile. I was able to get a OTD (final cost after taxes, license plate, etc) 2004 P3 with solar roof quote for about 26K. 26 K / 200 k miles = $0.13 per mile. That's half the cost of the used Prius. Also, throw depreciation and the cost per mile of an used Prius increases. The resell value of a Prius is high. As I said before, we are now looking into the gas Camry. Good luck,
I have 252,000 miles, so far, no replacements other than brakes first time at 247,000, shocks also first time at 245,000 - otherwise car is all original, looks new, it may go tomorrow of course, but so may I. For what it's worth.
Artie I did not get you, do you mean Prius 2010 that asked advise about is a good price at $8700 OR you are talking about your car?
Sorry, I am talking about my car as an example showing (and of course this is only one car) that the above calculations re cost, replacement "expectability" and general value are not applicable to me, they are wrong, very wrong, and extrapolating from my one only experience, the car the poster is inquiring about may be a very very good bargain, lasting him far longer than the calculations mentioned above indicate.