I need to remove the two nuts that hold the top of the rear drivers side shock from inside the car. I have removed the rear seats and black plastic vent. I am unable to see the top of the shock cannot find the two nuts either. Anybody done this? Where are you Patrick Wong? Any danger from close proximity of hybrid battery? Note I have removed the bottom nut on the shock so the shock is now off the bottom hanging loosely.
Patrick would be just the right person to ask, as he posted the "stump the chump" photo that shows where the two nuts are. There are access holes provided right in the battery/bracket sheet metal so you can get a socket on the nuts. Working near the battery shouldn't endanger you as long as you leave the cover on and don't mess with anything orange. -Chap
Thanks for the Huge tip! I discovered the two nuts which have a piece of plastic to make them loctite. one of the nuts is inside the hole of the metal frame. Mucho gracias, tell Patrick Wong if he comes to Maine I will take him to the North Atlantic Blues Festival. North Atlantic Blues Festival – Rockland, Maine