Strange question perhaps, but we're looking for a new fridge as replacing the rubbers for our old one is more than half the purchase price... It was a B-brand cheap (due to being ultra-efficient=government grant) large cooler-freezer with two doors above each other. Our A-brand small freezer is double the age and is still working perfectly. But back to the question: we want to replace ours with an "American fridge" which means a side-by-side like below: Problem is that it is quite small but in American movies they often seem twice the size. Is that because American actresses are all 5ft or shorter or do you actually have larger models than we do? Ours are all 3ft wide and about 5'10" tall (give or take an inch).
it's typical of u.s. vs europe energy use, when i watch house hunters europe, the refrigerators look tiny, although getting bigger, and ours are hugging and becoming walk ins!
Mine is 68" tall and a hair under 33" wide. When last shopping for a replacement, the standards widths seemed to be set for spaces 30", 33", and 36" wide. Side-by-side isn't 'the standard', just one of three common choices. Traditionally, top-freezer, bottom-fridge was the most common, but side-by-sides have taken a big chunk of the market. Top-fridge, bottom-freezer is also reasonably common. Many Americans also have a separate dedicated freezer in the garage. And maybe an older 'beer fridge' out there too.
Interesting. I never have attached a regional or national label to a refrigerator based on either size or configuration. I can say in the US when you go shopping for one? You can pretty much buy whatever size or configuration you want. I've never seen one presented or advertised as an "European Model".
when I get home I have two side by sides. one that is an older Fidgidaire unit from the 90's and turned into a keggerator in my basement, and a newer samsung one that is a bout 3 years old. I measure them up for you.
samsung and lg have pretty much blown the market wide open with innovative designs and energy saving features. i wish my a mana bottom freezer model was older, i need an excuse to move up.
was never fond of the bottom freezer... everyone I spoke always ended up finding stuff at the bottom that got more freezer burn than a penguins nice person... the bad thing about the side by sides is that you can't really store anyth wide. like a big deli platter, ect for a party... same thing with the freezer. sometimes seem a bit skinny...
The side-by-side is advertised as an "American fridge" here, but big chance that in the UK or Germany (our neighbors), they wouldn't have a clue what I was on about when mentioning "American fridge" So far our models seem to be in line with yours. I have tried american departmentstore websites, but didn't find anything bigger. Just saw a seperate fridge (350liters) and freezer (277 liters) which has 100 liters more capacity that the average "American fridge". And the price is the same. But it doesn't have the icecube maker which I am using A LOT lately*... * went on a mediterranian cruise this summer (me the wife and three kids + 5 suitcases in the Prius to Italy and back (4000km) cause our Volvo V70 has a broken aircon...) and I bought the alcoholic beverages packages, so as a cheapskate Dutch person I had to make sure I drank more than the cost of the package. My favorite was the Baileys Banana Colada (regularly managed 8 a night...), Only drawback is that I make a big jug a night now at home too, which needs loads of icecubes.
yeah, i was on a whiskey sour kick back in the day. forget the recipe, but there was an egg involved, a blender and a lot of ice!
Another option to consider is an 'all fridge'. Like the name implies, it's all fridge and no freezer. They're designed in pairs with a matching, separate freezer, but you don't have to buy both parts. The interior room is amazing.
Exactly. That is what I want, but my reactionary wife is squawking. I just measured the unit that came with the home we are renting. It needs close to 70 inches vertical to fit in the space made for it, in part because the door hinges are on top. We have owned both side-by-side and bottom-freezer types. The latter had vastly better interior design. Same nominal size but it felt much bigger.