Almost got a bike, and wife almost walked out. "Know your battles" is something I've learned over the years.
מה שלומך, מותק?? I drive to Tel Aviv everyday from the Binyamin area - route 505 and the 5. Up and down and round hills and mountains for a little bit (around 40km), nothing like the Hermon. Where are you?!? Regarding the 70-90 miles, yeah, converted from km. Like the 431, along those roads the car just flies without even thinking about it. Easily get up to 140 kmh while feeling like a gentle 100kmh. Thanks to my friend Grumpy, I've spent the past week driving to the speed limit, never exceeding 100kmh and it is difficult, though I do know it'll be good if I get used to it. Gen II was suggested as according to the guy who sources the vehicles there is little difference. I haven't done much research, and if he's wrong he isn;t misleading me as he isn't selling his own stock. He'll get me whatever I ask. I was thinking of a second hand 2009. What are your thoughts? There's a sale on at Toyota this week, though I can't see a new Prius being sold for much less than NIS 150,000 ($40,000!!). Do you know anywhere that rents Priuses/Prii/Prius'? I've checked with Eldan, Avis, Budget, etc etc. Can't seem to find anyone! תודה!!
It is said that a late gen2 is rock solid and much more reliable than an early gen3. I've never driven one so can't say for sure. They are getting a bit long in the tooth now but if you get one in good condition at the right price and you don't mind the styling, then why not?
I think you are referring to MPH, not miles traveled correct? If so, what do you suggest for the 65-75 MPH range? Gen 3? I'm very interested in this topic as I also am considering a Gen 2 but most of my driving is 70-75 MPH. I'll make my own thread about that later though so as not to clutter the OPs thread. Gid I am very familiar with the route you drive. I think it should be mentioned that the mountains Gid is referring to are nothing like the Rockies. A lot more like the rolling hills of TN, although much closer together. There are a few long grades though. I didn't see you mention your current MPG but as a point of reference, mainly driving Route 60 between Har Brachah and Jerusalem in the 9 seater 2012 Citroen Jumpy I rented from El Dan I was around the 30 MPG range and I usually had at least 6 other adults in the van with me. I am a bit of a mileage junkie but at the same time I enjoy going fast. I was mainly driving in the 100-130 range (60-80 MPH) when road conditions permitted.
The gen 3 drops MPG less abruptly over 65 MPH than the gen 2 does, If all you ever did in diesel was cruise at a steady speed over 70 MPH, it would beat a Prius.
Hello Gid, I used to live in Jerusalem, but am now in the US. I'm sorry I can't help you with renting. Maybe you can convince the dealer? Regarding Gen II or Gen III... a few things. The Gen III would be a bit more fuel efficient. If others say the 2009 (Gen II) would be more reliable than the 2010 (Gen III), I'd defer to them, that I don't know. What kind of warranty does Toyota give on the hybrid system in Israel? (Not the regular warranty, but specifically on the hybrid system. In the US it's 8 years or 100,000 miles.) I would hate for you to end up with a car that seems find but expensive things go wrong in a month (that were hidden by the seller). Keep us updated, and good luck!!!