Well ........ actually 93K .. I will have the Prius V 3 years next January .. we passed 93K and the original 17" Bridgestone's still have tread above the wear indicators. Looking through the threads on tires ... the V with the 17's are not mentioned much. The Turanza EL-400's have obviously been good .. I get almost 60 mpg in the summer .. so do I just replace them? Tirerack has them for $173.00 each. Any others with different 17's? Other then normal oil/ filters ... nothing has been done to the car. I did replace a bulb!
Holy crap. My Toyo Proxes A20s are at 3/32nds at about 45k. I dont think they will make it past 50k. I plan on going with Bridgestone Ecopia EP422s in the 17 inch size.
Car has been given a workout -- lots of highway miles. I have been happy with the Bridgestone's -- predictable tire. I was surprised with the 280 tread wear rating on them. Toyota does not install LLR tires on the Prius with 17's ... not sure why? Other then a test drive I have never driven the standard Prius with smaller wheels ... so I can't compare the ride or the handling/ grip with LLR tires that some have. The Bridgestone Turanza EL 400-02 don't get the greatest rating on Tirerack .. and the OE Toyo's are quite a bit more money. My fear with the LLR tires: They all get a bad rating is the wet weather. We get a lot of rain in the Mid - Atlantic. I don't want to risk any wet traction loss. We regularly got mid 50's MPG on the tires and one member get above 60mpg -- so no problem with no LLR's on this Prius. The Kumho Ecsta is less then a $100.00 and gets very good ratings
What kind of tire pressure did you run in the EL-400s? Generally, highway miles are easier than city miles on tires. My work has a couple of security Priuses to patrol the parking lots and from what I am told the tires are shot in 20K crawling around at 20MPH!
...don't push it...we just had a fender bender on wet slick roads the day before our new Tire Rack tires were scheduled to be mounted. I did not think the tread was that bad, was just trying to beat winter. OK we got the TrueContacts on there now.
I used the recommended pressure per manual with the Bridgestone's... nothing special. Rotated with each oil change -- 10K After some more looking and a call to Tirerack -- picked the Michelin Premier AS SL . $635 delivered and a $70 rebate. They have a good rating in the rain and are the newest design.
Got them installed .. they are new .. so I expected they would be quieter .. they are. So time will tell ... They have a higher tread life rating and also more of a LRR tire than the Bridgestone .