My Pruis C was 100 miles from 40k when a Honda Civic turned in front of my wife. Thank god both she and the other driver escaped injuries. The occupant area of the car remained completely intact. The front end took the full impact of the crash squishing like an accordion. Before buying the C, I made sure it had good crash test ratings. I believe the C held up in real world crash test.
wow, there have been a few of these lately, glad she's okay! prius looking like a champ in all these crashes.
It's amazing how well today's cars do in accidents. Not long ago a crash this severe would have resulted in serious injury or worse. A car can be replaced, a life or a person's well being; never. Thanks for sharing this incident with the C forum.
I always have my 12 and 14 year old nieces in my car and it make me happy to know they are always safe
Good to see no one got seriously hurt. Though the c sacrificed itself, it's fortunately replaceable, unlike a human life. That said, expect to get a lot of letters from lawyers now, wanting to represent your wife in this accident. Then you'll end up in their commercial claiming that they got $100,000 for you.
Same here, the damage to your car looks absolutely identical to what happened to mine last year, which was also 35 mph nose to nose. Do you plan on getting another one? Same package?
Glad DW and the other driver were ok!! Modern cars so much safer than the 59-60s models! Good luck buying another vehicle!
Wow, that picture is hugely impressive. The front of the car crumpled evenly and absorbed the deadly energy; the passenger compartment appears to be pristine. That's exactly what needs to happen to protect the driver. Very encouraging. I assume the front-facing airbags (steering wheel and knee-level) deployed; is that right?
Hello all and thanks for all wishes. The C is a total. Body shop quit adding up the damage at 24k. All the air bags deployed other than the passenger side. The knee air bag worked and possibly saved a lot personal injury. I will probably be buying another C. I was not a Prius fan when I first bought it, but there was nothing about that little car that I didn't like (other than the low beams at night on the freeway).
Glad no one was injured. It's a strong reason to get a newer generation vehicle even if the older vehicle has been reliable. The advancements in structural and passive safety technology is amazing. I'm curious why the side curtain airbag was deployed. Did they change the parameters for deployment? I'm also curious to see how the passenger cushion airbag works (if it was deployed. I doubt it if your DW was the only person in the car).
Hello folks. Wife is still feeling the sore from the crash and the insurance company is still trying to short us on the value of the car. I decided not to go with another C. Instead I bought a subaru impreza. The C small over lap frontal collision was rated as poor by IIHS. The impreza was rated as good in every category. So although my wife was protected well in a full frontal collision by the C, I'm not certain I could say the same if were only a small overlap.
Sorry to hear your wife is still hurting. I hate to say this, but it may be time to get a lawyer involved.
Sorry to hear your wife is still feeling the effects of the impact. You have made a wise choice in the purchase of the Subaru, they are great cars and very safe. I have owned several different models, with a Forester as my last. Sorry to lose you from the Prius family but you and your wife enjoy the new ride.