I'm a new member and didn't find similar post elsewhere and seek some guidance for the issue I'm observing with the battery charging.I bought a new Prius plug-in 2014 in June this year. For 1st three months the car used to show 13 miles after the full charge. Gradually it has decreased to lower miles and now, after full charge, I see only 10.7 miles in the morning when I turned on the car. I'm clueless why this decrease is happening. Here are few supporting facts . I use a extension cord to charge the car. I usually charge the car around 10, 11 pm and use if next morning for office commute. My use is fairly local to the city and I drive around 13 to 15 miles everyday in weekdays. So Monday-Friday driving is majorly supported by battery. On weekend I usually drive out of city.
yup. welcome! this happens to most everybody when they first get their pip. the number on the screen is an estimate like destination to empty for gas. as the computer learns your average miles of ev travel, it is reflected in the screen estimate. the important thing is that your actual ev travel is similar to what it was at the beginning. the only thing that will affect your actual range is dropping temps, or strenuous unusual driving. you'll be fine, all the best!
one thing you may want to consider is using the charge timer on the dashboard. you can either set a start time or an end time. (don't do both) set it for 4am start for instance, and you'll be all charged up and good to go at 7. or set for 7am finish, and it will know when to start charging so it's ready by seven. this is better for your battery than leaving it charged all nite. see your manual for instructions.
Ambient temperature can make a big difference. All summer I was starting with 18mi EV in the morning. Now it's cooler in the morning and I'm down to 15. If I don't use the vehicle until the afternoon (such as on the weekend), I find that the number is higher again, since the car is warmer. Venue 8 Pro 5830 ?
Here in Minnesota, with very different weather & traffic than you, I have never (in over 50,000 miles now) seen EV that high... not even close. My usual summer high is 13.
my high was 16.5, but has dropped to 15.5, not sure why. i seem to be able to drive just about as far on ev as i used to.
I've found that higher speeds, in the recent past, can dramatically reduce the estimate. While I'm just puttering around town and stay under 50 my estimate creeps up but the day after a drive where I hit 65 it'll drop, like from 12.9 to 11.5.
yes, this is exactly how mine behaves. it's as if it knows you can't travel as far at 65 as you can at 25, but you would get there faster.
Not even remotely close! 44°F here now. That's downright balmy compared to the -10°F we will inevitably experience 2 months from now. Fortunately, the electricity is taken advantage of even at those temperatures. The estimated EV distance certainly goes down then though.
It's all relative...... Going to work it's between 36F and 45F vs. 75F+ for the summer. Dublin is a little more moderate but temps have dropped. We all know you lose range in cooler temps. Some, like you, have to suffer more.
I wish. Both engine & battery behavior are very very different, once you drop below freezing, then again when you drop another 30 degrees colder. Fortunately, EV still works even at the extreme.
They work differently but the net result is a reduction in range when it's cold. Pure EVs lose range and so do PHEVs while ICE cars lose FE. *shrug*
Yep, cold is coming. My commute is just a bit over EV range in the summer. But in the winter I am lucky to get 50% of my summer MPG. (it is nice to run the heater every one in awhile)