My 2011 Prius, which I park on a city street has only 5,777 miles on it. My driving is 90% city driving, lots of stop-and-go generally at speeds 40MPH or under. At annual checkup at my dealership, they found the driver 's side brake pads worn thin 3mm and 6mm respectively front and back, and rotors? are grooved. All tires are in good condition. Brakes/rotors on right side of car so no such wear and tear. Basically, I have to pay $$$ replace the brake pads on the left side of the car. The mechanics did show/compare the wear and tear on right side of the car, compared to the left. It is significant. The mechanic at my dealership could not explain why this is happening. They were guessing this: ~Left side of car is exposed to the street, and thus the wheel wells are exposed to winter salt and dirt. Hard to believe since the car has not experienced much snowy winter weather here in Washington, DC. ~Consistently driving at low speeds, and making lots of right turns??! might be a cause..... Any additional thoughts, guesses, same experience, reasons why this is happening, I'd love to hear.
sounds like a defect to me. perhaps caliper was frozen on the rotor? or it may have been assembled incorrectly. definitely a new one around here i think. did you notice any issues? how did they come across it? i would have an independent mechanic look at it. did you buy it new? that's really low mileage for an '11.
I think the mechanic may have it right. Are you parking on a busy street, with salt/sand being spread frequently. You are very low mileage, that's likely compounding the problem.
Probably salt build up that is causing the caliper to hang up. If it's just the slides you may not get any warranty assistance. If the caliper itself is bad, then maybe.
It's actually an interesting testament to what salt/sand can do: passenger side fine, driver's side seized.
i've spent some time in dc, not sure there is enough salt and sand being thrown around there, they only have one plough.
Crazy! I don't believe it! Change mechanics! Move disks to the other side with new mechanic and tip them or do work yourself? iPhone ?