There are a good number of Floridians over at priusonline... They were planning a March meetup when I last stopped through =) What kind of group were you hoping to find/start?
Sure, I'd be interested, although my participation depends heavily on my schedule, which is packed rather tightly.
I'm in the Orlando area, and I'll be a Prius owner as of this Saturday (1/14)... psyched! Would love to get together with other Prius owners in the area.
I've been dicussing the possibility of a Prius / Hybrid Car educational gathering in our City on the lakefront at Ferran Park. This has been on my mind for awhile. Since I'm the assistant to the City Manager, this would be a fairly easy thing to arrange. It would also be kewl to have the local Toyota / Honda Dealer sponsor the event. So anyway, I'm game for a meet up - we have so many Prii around this area.
WOW! Sounds encouraging! But, fleubis does have a point. There may be a need for dividing the state. I live way up north and it would be a weekend drive (not that I mind) to run down south for a meet or gathering. As far as the 'why', it would be for education. Public as well as our own. There would be definately be Toyota involvement, either local dealer or possibly Toyota corporate involvement. Still looking for input from all the Floridians! gjertson - how's the new ride?? I'm thinkin (to steal a phrase) that you're lovin it! I was up in Calgary for a couple weeks. I swear I had withdrawels..... Take care all! I'll check back again soon!
"Florida_Prius" why not contact "HiVoltage" over at and get a listing of Prius Owners who will be at Ft. Desoto Park Meeting, near Tampa next month? My wife and I are driving up from West Palm Beach to Ft. DeSoto Park for that weekend. I see that there are a few other Prius Owners in the Southeast Florida area and maybe enough to meet as a small group in the local area. Try to get a listing by city so a meeting location can be centralized. 2005 Millenium Silver w/22K miles 2005 Tideland Pear w/12K miles
The Prius Meet is Saturday, March 25, 2006, 9:00am - Dusk at Ft DeSoto Park, North Beach Shelter #3, Pinellas County, on Tampa Bay, south of Tampa. HIVOLTAGE Joined: 03 Sep 2005 Location: -CROOM- Prius Online Posted: Yesterday at 1:14 pm Post subject: FLORIDA PRIUS MEET.....VITAL STATISTICS OK Peeps, We have half of shelter # 3 located on "North Beach" of Ft DeSoto park reserved for this Saturday. I will arrive early to "stake the claim". I will be bringing enough hamburger, hotdogs and kielbasa to feed "Marchena's prius soldiers". Someone is bringing a large bag of charcoal and lighter fluid.
Just let me know what regions you would like FLA broken up into and I'll create your own forums for you guys.
I brought this up on another BBS but was shot down as everyone lives so far away... We had northern, southern, west coast & east coast reply but it seemed like everyone would have to drive 3-4 hrs to meet, that was the downer.. Thanks Danny! I would think north florida, central florida, south florida. North: every thing from palm coast on the east coast, to cedar key on the west coast north into the panhandle. Central: every thing from ormond beach & west to yankeetown, south to melbourne on the east coast & bradenton on the west coast. South: from sarasota on the westcoast to vero beach south to the keys.. Thats how you normally see the state devided
HiVoltage from organized a great Prius get-to-gether, March 25, 2006 at Ft. DeSoto Park near Tampa, FL. He had the grill hot and the hot dogs and burgers flying... The weather was clear, windy and around 60 - 65 degrees. There were seven Prius in the group photo line up and around 14 people in all. Home-made Baklava, hot dogs, burgers and all the fixings were enjoyed by all. It was especailly nice to meet in person everyone in the small, friendly group. It seemed to everyone like a good idea to have future Florida gatherings at different Florida Parks in different regions of the state. People from the FL Gulf Coast were in the majority on Saturday, but it was a nice weekend even driving up from as far south as W. Palm Beach. It was nice to meet SpinDoc and all the other friendly Prius people. Someone should suggest another location for another Florida Prius Meet here and on and gauge the response. 2005 Diriftwood Pearl w/15K miles 2005 Silver w/25K miles