Six days ago I totaled my beloved special edition 2010 beetle in a deer accident. On Friday I bought a. 2014 Prius C in the Habenero orange color. I drove a 2015 beetle and hated it. They are now the same as any other car inside and out. I decided that if I was going to have something different I was going to have something different that was affordable in everyday. I got a good price, I got zero percent financing and I'm going to save about 1,200 a year on gas. Don't hate me, but I'm trying to make my new Prius be a bit more beetle like. Any suggestions? I kept my PNCHBUG license plates, I took my 1950s script Vw badge that I had on the back end of my beetle and put it over the steering wheel so only I could see it. I'm getting a vase with a daisy to attach to the dash. I need more chrome. I need much better rims or whatever the atrocious things are over the tires. I'm a girl who loves her car to be the car all other cars wish they were. I plan to raise my new girl as a VW as I am in many volkswagen clubs and don't plan to leave. I do have my 66 and 67 beetles still of course. Anyway, suggestions? I think the Prius is more Volkswagen than Volkswagen is now for new cars. Volkswagen means People's Car. I think they need to add rich to the name for new models.
You're going to have a hard time making a Prius C into a Volkwagen Beetle. PNCHBUG would work if you just had a bunch of dead bugs on your windshield and not wash them off....
When I was a child a favorite aunt of mine drove a late 60's VW bug. I grew up associating that vehicle with "fun". I think it did affect my choice in vehicles as an adult. I was never afraid of "different" or "efficient" or "small". I do think The Prius in some circles has a similar unique and individual popularity akin to the devotion VW bug owners showed for their vehicles. Prius ARE different. I do think in some ways, they are as close to the equivalent of a VW today. Or I think, that many people that would of been driving VW's in the late 60's and 70's would be driving Prius today. I also agree with you, the new VW bugs are just "wrong" IMO. Seems like VW toned them down to make them look more mainstream, but now in my opinion they are just boring looking, or like you say,- just another car. Whatever you decide to do to make your Prius uniquely yours is fine. won't be able to make it a VW, because it isn't one. If you are a big VW devotee I hope you can be happy with your Prius. I think instead of trying to make your Prius more VW are going to have to learn to embrace the Hybrid Priusness of your Prius. You still own VW bugs, right? So it's not like all your VW ties are severed. I think you can love your VW bugs AND learn to embrace and love your a Prius. Personally? That's what I would do. I wouldn't want to dress my Prius up as a VW....even though I do respect Volkswagens.
welcome and congrats! maybe remove a part in the engine bay every now and again, to get that 'ah, i'm here at the dealer getting more repairs' feeling you had with vdub. all the best!
I didn't have many problems with my dub, so I wasn't at the dealership all that much. Those are just silly ^ ugh. I've seen it in person and it's worse.