i figured I would see if there are other prius owners that have done full car dips or just parts and post up what you have done. It has been out for a while now but getting more popular. Here's my 2010 full dip in beta midnight flip Pearl.
Could you post a shot showing the rear spoiler? I've toyed with the idea of doing ours, it's been a bit chewed up by our garage door. Thanks in advance. (That's assuming you did plasti-dip the spoiler.)
I didn't dip the spoiler, thought about it but kinda like the how the spoiler blends with the tinted windows. I'd say just pick up a can and try it and if u don't like it just peel it off.
I have a total of 5 gallons on the car from my first color (2 gal, I should've used 3 but my first go at it) to now changing to this Pearl.( 3 gal to make sure it's thick enough for durability, since the first color started peeling in spots)
Nice! From the picture, it looks pretty smooth! How long did it take to do it yourself? Did you apply it in a garage or outside?
If you have the right equipment and apply properly it will come out smooth. I think it took me about 3 hrs of prep time the night before to wash and mask off, then about 3-4 hrs to spray with 15 min drying time inbetween coats. I did it in my garage, wouldn't risk outside too many factors, though people do it outside.
WOW! That came out great. Darth Vader style. I like it. I Dipped my old MazdasSpeed3 rims and they came out decent… 4 cans total and 2 glossifier cans. I just picked up a new '15 Persona and am considering dipping the rims on it….
Hey Guys, New to Forum here! Just picked up a 12' Prius II, Black, last Friday. Dipped the tails and all the badges last night. Looks pretty good and still have good light visibility even with out the LED bulbs. Exctied to keep the modding going strong!
Nice......Did u use the dip smoke on the tails, if so, what did u think about it? I was thinkin about getting a can and doing my moms car tails
I rubber dipped a couple feet of the plug end of my oem EVSE cable the other day. Does that count? I hope to get around to dipping the mags one of these days. Currently the mags have a light greenish turtle paste tint you can see on them if somebody looks real close.
Nope, I just used the reg. Black. 3 Coats and that's it! I may go back this weekend and do a few coats of the clear to give it a more glossy look to blend in better with the car. Haven't decided yet. I tell you tho, stuff works amazing.