Well, I'm sad to report there's one less Prius on the road tonight....my 2005 was totaled (probably) last night as I was leaving work - see the attached picture Thank goodness for seat belts & air bags...all I have are sore muscles and some scrapes and bruises from the seatbelts. A micro-second later & the person would have t-boned me right on the driver's door, and I suspect I would still be in the hospital. The weird thing is that I can't remember anything from several seconds before the crash up until the time the firefighters were talking to me while I was sitting in the car. I saw the airbag deployed and glass fragments on my hand, and then I heard someone say "we're going to have to take off the door". The next thing I knew I was in the ambulance on the way to the ER. I spent about 4 hours in the hospital before they sent me home. It's tough moving around (getting up and/or tilting my body) due to the soreness, but it could have been much, much worse. I'm sad to say that I probably won't be replacing it with another Prius, simply because my job situation is uncertain right now (I was laid off 6 months ago) and I don't feel like I can spend that much on another car (which I'll need to get soon) before I know what my income is going to be. Oh, well, I guess the good news is that the blue book value might be the same or slightly more than my loan balance so I'll be able to get a replacement, less expensive car that will be easier on my budget. I'll miss the Nav Lady, the Smart Key, and all the other cool things that made the Prius a one-of-a-kind car. It was fun while it lasted
An other Prius that gave it's all to protect its owner. No greater memorial can be given to your car. I am so glad you are OK now! Dibbs on the battery! Glad you are well, sore is good it reminds us we are alive! B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bcool @ Mar 30 2006, 10:29 PM) [snapback]232722[/snapback]</div> Sorry to hear about your accident but I'm glad to know that you came through it relatively unscathed. Sad to see a Salsa Red damaged but it looks like it did it's ultimate job as designed. The memory phenomona is fairly common - it's your body's way of handling the stress of the accident. A firefighter buddy of mine was hit by a car while working at an accident scene and he doesn't remember the hit either. Good luck on your job search.
I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. But it does sound like the car performed well. What were you hit by? any idea how fast you both were going. As far as the aches, it usually takes a few days, they do get worse then better. I was in a very bad accident a long time ago, I have a brief recollection of the headlights and then coming to . But alas I was in a ford escort which did not protect me at all, I was seriously injured. So I'm glad you are ok, and hopefully well you have the replacement car, the job situation will improve and you can get another prius. Take care of yourself over the next few days.
Sorry to hear about your accident, but I am glad your car helped you! Just make sure to get another safe car! I look at the extra I am spending each month as an insurance policy over a less expensive / less safe car. For the aches, try those Salonpaus (spelling?) patches...they help! You can get them at any drug store or even Costco. Goodluck!
I'm sure you can bang most of that out and touch it up with a little paint. But I'm sure that tarp is going to hurt your mileage. Seriously, I'm really glad that you're ok. Doubly glad that no emergency response personnel were electrocuted during your extraction from the vehicle. Good luck with the job search and the new vehicle. I hope you aren't too spoiled by the Prius.
Sorry to hear about your car. It is good to see that you're standing after the accident. Good luck with your job search.
Dang! What a crash! I assume you have been scanned pretty thoroughly, bcool. If I had been through your experience, I would be looking for something with side airbags. You may be right about the tarp, cousin Tony, but I would really want to get that camber checked.
Hey where are the guys who were looking for trim rings?? No one at the insurance place will miss those. Hopefully your luck will continue (you did walk away from this), get a good job and be able to start saving for your next Prius. I think I would need counseling if I suddenly lost my Salsa Baby. Keep your chin up!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(momfortheenvironment @ Mar 30 2006, 10:20 PM) [snapback]232753[/snapback]</div> It was the red Pontiac visible to the left of the picture. I'd guess about a mid to late 80's midsize model - no airbags for sure. Since I don't recall anything, I would guesstimate that I was doing under 20 (turning left onto a 4-lane road) and the other person was doing 45+ (the speed limit is 45 on the road I was turning into). They whapped my left front side with their right front side. Until I get the police report, I'm not sure how it happened. No lights are at the interchange, so they didn't run a light. Maybe they were going faster than the speed of light so I couldn't see them? Seeing as how I was pulling into traffic, I'll probably get the blame (although I've driven for 35 years without an accident of this kind - but I guess there's always a first time). Thanks to all of you for the kind words! Although I've mostly been a lurker at PriusChat, I've enjoyed the information and camaderie of the community here. Best of luck to all of you with your cars - they truly are one of the best on the road! Oh, yeah, I salvaged the floor mats and cargo net. I'm probably going to put them up on eBay, so I'll let you know when they go up in case anyone needs a spare set. I tried to get the nav DVD out, but since the power was off I couldn't get it to eject - darn! <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tochatihu @ Mar 30 2006, 10:57 PM) [snapback]232779[/snapback]</div> Yeah, I got an x-ray of my chest & CAT scan of my head. They said they didn't find anything, which might explain my inability to get a job Actually, my Prius had the side airbags (if that's what you meant), but I don't think they inflated (at least they weren't hanging out - unless the rescue personnel ripped them out to extricate me). My next car will definitely have as many airbags as possible - after this, I'm thorougly sold on them!!
Was it dusk or dark? What you describe sounds like you may have been hit by a car without the headlights on. Almost happened to me once by kids racing up a neighborhood street w/o lights. At the last possible moment I glimpsed a reflection off of one of the cars -- just before I turned left into their paths!
Not to be ghoulish, but my car could use a wiring harness transplant. You suppose I could pay someone to pull it out of your car for me?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ggood @ Mar 31 2006, 06:30 AM) [snapback]232847[/snapback]</div> I'd like to be able to strip the parts, but the impound lot won't let you take anything off of the car (other than interior items like the floor mats). Plus, I'd probably electrocute myself messing around with the wiring
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bcool @ Mar 31 2006, 06:47 AM) [snapback]232848[/snapback]</div> I wonder who actually owns the parts if the insurance company totals it. I suppose the insurance company, since they are in a way paying for it. If you find out what salvage yard it winds up in, let me know. Maybe I can deal directly with them. If it turns out you own the parts, I could even pay you something. By the way, sorry for your loss, but congratulations on living to tell the tale! I was t-boned by a garbage truck running a red light in my youth. Fortunately, I was driving the largest chevy station wagon/boat imaginable. Stayed conscious for all but a few seconds. Did have an interesting out of body experience while waiting for the ambulance though!
Oh my! Glad you are up and about, sorry about your Prius. Looks like it performed as the designers wanted, it collapsed around, instead of smushing into, you. Good luck on your job search. Lots of PC'ers have been players in that story. Not an easy situation but do-able.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bcool @ Mar 31 2006, 12:17 AM) [snapback]232786[/snapback]</div> Glad you're OK. I also got a package with side airbags; hopefully, I will never get to find out how well they work! When you list your items on ebay, don't forget to list your keyfobs. Also, mention that they are the SKS fobs, with the silver Toyota logo on back. They can be reprogrammed for another SKS-equipped Prius. Don't forget to mention that they are from your wrecked Prius, and that they were working fine prior to the accident. It may help you get a better price than if the bidders assumed you were selling untested remotes you had acquired in some other way.