I have the weekend clear. My husband is gone -- so no second-guessing. I WANT to adjust the parking brake. I ordered the Chilton manual nearly two weeks ago. As of tonight it is sitting in Hermiston, Oregon, about a three-hour drive away. I don't suppose it is getting delivered to my house tommorrow (Saturday). I have checked out a few online spots that tout instructions. They are either pretty vague, or somewhat scary. I have adjusted the PB on my old Toyota Corolla....many times. Anyway, can anyone suggest any instructions that are online. I tried John's site. I did not see any...I could have missed them, I guess....but any help would be -- as always, greatly appreciated....
RRxing.....thank you for posting the link. I had READ some instructions that said much the same thing, but what really helps here are the illustrations. Very good, I really appreciate you taking the time. Well, Car Talk radio show will be on NPR in a few minutes, it's raining, so I really don't want to go into the garden. So, I'm bundling up the radio, taking it and myself outside and going to work to figure this all out!!
what was the result of your parking brake fix? I have read three different accounts, one is what as listed here, one was to take up the center console as it would be there.(must be for non foot e brakes) and one was for adjusting the brake shoe on the rear...was your attempt successful? Thanks
Welcome to PC! The defacto standard is for the e foot brake to go 6-9 clicks to reach maximum braking. If out of the ratio remove console and pull back rubber covered cable adjusting nut and adjust. This assumes the rear brakes are correct. You don't mention mileage on car and service already performed.
As "ed" says above the rear of the car is the place to start to do the job correctly. Disconnect the 12 volt battery!!! Remove the wheels and drums clean out any dust. Note where the hole is in the brake back plate for adjustment and which way to turn the star wheel adjuster for on and off. Making sure the parking brake is fully off with the drums refitted adjust the brakes on till the drums can no longer be turned then slacken off till the drums just turn freely. Then check the brake pedal movement adjust if required. John (Britprius)
The only service I ever paid for at the dealer was a $59.95 rear brake check up. They pulled the drums and cleaned and inspected and adj the star wheel.
Thanks! I assume the rotors can be freed without removing axle end-nut. (after removing calipers) The car has 205,000 miles on it and still going strong. It was totaled a few years back and we bought it back from the insurance company and had it repaired for half the dealer cost. Since I see them being used as taxis all over the country, that tells me I probably have another 100k miles or so to look forward to.
There are no rotors or an axle nut on the rear of the gen2 US Prius for the parking brake. If you are talking about the front brakes there is no need to undo the axle nut, but make sure you disconnect the 12 volt battery and preferably remove the two light blue relays in the fuse box under the hood before starting work on the brakes. John (Britprius)
Adjusting the rear drums should be done as a regular maintenance item for the vehicle braking system. The parking brake is pigging backing onto this system. It would make sense to do this adjustment first. Getting the rear drums off can be a challenge. Having two 8mm 1.5 bolts can aid in removing the drum. Unless the metal broke away as it di in mine. The center console comes off as stated by others, remove front cup holder to access to the screws on either side, two 10mm head bolts under the removal liner in the compartment under the lid. This will expose the connection of the foot pedal cable to the cables pulling on the brake shoes. The black plastic guide slides back exposing the nut on the rear. Back off this nut and tighten the nut on the front side. I would post pictures but I am not allowed to. They are on Photo Bucket cntinuum Prius