So my wife was rear ended this morning. That makes twice in as many years for this Prius. Say goodbye. Not keeping it after this repair
I would suggest you ask the insurance company to total the car, since you won't get much value for a car that's been in 2 accidents.
can't blame you, dang tailgaters. it's almost predictable these days. look in the rear view mirror, and the person behind you is looking at their lap. i hope they're texting!
Hope she's okay. Sorry about your loss. I've had some near misses myself lately in my prius, but it's because of inattentive drivers. A school bus nearly ran a red light as I was crossing an intersection. Though we both stopped in time, I could see she was clearly on her cell phone. Would have sucked to get hit as I only owned my liftback for less than two months. Plus I was taking my nephew and his parents to go buy his civic ex (haha, I tried to steer him towards a prius, but no luck), so it would've been 4 witnesses to her 1 in the event she did hit me (and in an alternate universe, she probably did). Are you guys getting another prius, or are you getting a bigger vehicle?
I was also rear ended recently. Right after I returned from a 10,000 kilometer vacation throughout the western USA. I was hit by an idiot who I am sure was texting. Bloody Honda drivers. They replaced the rear bumper and a few other things. $1,450! Paid by his insurance company
"I was also rear ended recently. Right after I returned from a 10,000 kilometer vacation throughout the western USA. I was hit by an idiot who I am sure was texting. Bloody Honda drivers. They replaced the rear bumper and a few other things. $1,450! Paid by his insurance company." Oh no! Glad it was not worse, but that sucks. Hope you had a good trip - now back to previous topic.