Hello all! Need a few recommendations for some products, preferably with links to Amazon or other online stores. (Out of respect for Danny, I am definitely down with looking at a few products if he has what I need on here.) The first product I would like some recommendations for would be a window cleaner, with the specific and important job of preventing or delaying fogged up windows in the winter. The second product is for a tire repair kit that is small, dependable, and doesn't ruin the TPMS. Thanks in advance for any links and subsequent product reviews you can provide! Mark
Hi Mark, I was looking at tyre repair kits yesterday. They come in a couple of varieties: 'plug', 'goo', or combined. I'm going to choose 'plug,' but goo is certainly more convenient on the side of the road since the tyre does not have to removed from the car.
I am only telling you about my experience with window cleaners. With every cleaner I have used the windows look worse after I clean them than before I started. I use a damp chamois cloth to clean mine. I have good luck with it.
Best way to clean glass is to let your car glass heat up a bit in the sun. Then using a slightly damn cloth folded in half or quarters, wipe the window clean. The heated glass will dry instantly from the slightly damp cloth and remain clean and streak free
Glass cleaner: SprayWay Glass Cleaner You can buy it at Home Depot or lots of other places. It is what we used at the restaurant I worked with and it was amazing. Got all those fingerprints off the glass immediately and dried super easy. It sprays on like a foam then you just wipe away with anything. My DeLorean has a unique problem in that the non-sealed petrol tank is in the front of the car. When you walk past the car on a hot day, or just when the tank is full, it smells like a gas station. As you drive it, the gas fumes escape the tank and then get sucked into the cabin air vents immediately next to the gas tank so that it blows up into the cabin coating the windscreen in a nice oily film very frequently. One of the few cleaners that effortlessly clears this up, is this glass cleaner. I carry a bottle in the car for that very reason. Can't recommend it enough. Everyone I know that has tried it, has loved it. I think it comes in 2 varieties. The version at Home Depot is always great. I ordered some on Amazon and it was great. The stuff I bought at Walmart once had a slightly different can and it was just OK not excellent. I look for the version with the little 1950's house-wife stick figure on it, that always seems to work.