Yet another lovely actress has changed herself into something, erm different. Why? Renee Zellweger steps out make-up free looking tired and stressed in first appearance since she unveiled her 'new face' | Daily Mail Online I have always had a soft spot for Renee Zellweger from when she played Bridget Jones. Didn't realise she was American because her English accent was 100% spot on. Being the same age she was on my list of potential Mrs Cabbies should the present Mrs Cabbie bore of me. Bridget Jones Strange Hollywood clone. Why? Why do they do it and why do they all end up looking the same?
I've seen lots of articles about this which say that we're all sexist pigs for discussing her plastic surgery. I disagree. I'm not objectifying her sexually or anything. I'm just mystified. Honestly, if I were the bouncer at some awards ceremony, I wouldn't let her in, because I wouldn't believe she was her. Frankly, if I was a bank clerk and I asked her for ID, and she gave me some pre-surgery ID, I wouldn't accept it. She looks like a completely different person. There've been botched plastic surgery jobs before where people have been a mess, but they've been recognisable. But she isn't. As to your "why do they all end up looking the same?" comment, Hollywood is bad, but you should see Korea. Every potential beauty queen or whatever has the same work done - losing the eye hoods, and getting a roman nose, and various other silliness - and it becomes very hard to tell them apart. There's a group of blokes in Beijing who think they're cool who do the same too. I don't get it.
It is that God-sized hole in their soul they are trying to fill with everything but... God. There is no real, lasting piece until that happens.
And the saddest thing is that as she ages it won't be gracefully - the cosmetic surgery will just look worse and worse.
Perhaps it was the realisation that she would never be Mrs Cabbie that made her resort to such extreme measures.
I can't imagine her personal life as any of my business much less her professional life, loved her in what should be a cult classic-Empire records, didn't care for Bridget Jones. If she's happier as is good for her
She's in the public eye and uses the 'press' for her own end when promoting her work, so in my eyes she's fair game. She's also well remunerated for her efforts too. I would also question whether the change was for her own happiness.
I lover her look in the bridget jones series. now she's lost that charm... of course she did those roles 15 years ago... hell even just normal passage time takes it toll on some more than others..