No fair, Darell! By the way, I love yer plate frame. That makes all the sense to me...I wonder if SUV/low mileage drivers get it... "What if the air were cleaner...(quoting the best HSD commercial that Toyota has done to date).
I say "mid 40's even with my lead foot but I get upper 40's and low 50's on trips". Envy would be another look besides jealousy.
Well, that's what I like about this group. They tend to "get it." I'm pretty sure that it just goes WHOOSH right over the heads of most people who must thing I installed it on the wrong car. (The EV now has a frame that reads "Let's play find the Tailpipe")
We've noticed you're shy and insecure-sounding. And that you have the b**ls to use the word "groovy". :blink:
Around here 45 MPG impresses everybody. Conservation and clean air are not Dallas, Texas priorities. Yet everybody acknowledges that 45 MPG is a lot more than they get. Around here 15 MPG is OK. 20 MPG is Good. 30 is bragging. So 45 is really impressive.
If asked, I just tell them whatever my current tank mpgs are at the last time I was in the car, a range anywhere from 44.3-50.1 so far. I also tell add on that my mpgs would probably be higher if I wasn't such a lead-foot most of the time. I've gotten a lot of "wow, that's really good!" responses from neighbors, coworkers, my husband, my boss, and anyone else who has seen the car since I bought it.
:lol: snort. Yes, it is true. I'm just a small, quiet little man, who hides behind the computer keys where nobody can see me and laugh at my insignificance. I use a thesaurus to find words like "groovy" so I seem wise and scholarly.
Odd poll. I voted that I try to soften the blow of my lifetime mileage. I typically tell people my average mileage, but explain that I drive on the slower end of the speed range and that they would probably get frustrated driving like I do. In reality, there are so many factors that contribute to good mileage, and coordination of all of them can be challenging. I usually only tell them my current tank mileage if they are in the car with me, or they ask - too much information for most people who lose interest after one commercial-length of time.
It depends. If the person asking seems like a technophile then I may give a more detailed explanation. Otherwise I just state my lifetime MPG and then if they ask other questions I may get more detailed.
I am on the DANCE of [you]!!!!!! I am visiting every thread tonight that mentions my name. Mention me and I will visit your thread too! (P.S. [you] is a terrific member here.. I wish they would post more!)
Oh my goodness!! It is invading the whole system soon we shall be overrun....take cover! YOU are being assimilated!!!
:lol: Since I'm in the title of this thread I guess I should answer, aye? My sig from GH shows 46 but when people ask specifically I tell them 46-48 due to the fact that I'm 80+% on the highway at ~63 mph on avg. That's all anyone ever asks really. It's pretty impressive for most since they are normally in the 20+ mpg range on their current vehicles. As you may know I sell them as well own one so when I tell potential clients about my experiences then take them on a test drive and show them how to get the same values themselves, it is often the best 'close' possible. The vehicle sells itself. TYVM... you might find me also on the Edmunds Hybrid threads, etc as 'kdhspyder'. But I come here for the real lowdown and answers to difficult questions for which I don't have the answers.
I just tell people that ask my current MPG. If they are interested, I elaborate. I've found a high correlation between the current price of gas and the amount of information people seek concerning the prius. Spikes in prices yield spikes in prius interest. I was filling up the other day and one gentleman commented that it was the first time he had ever seen a Prius at the pump. We had a good five minute discussion, and we went for a short ride so he could drive my car. Toyota owes me a commission on the impending sale. He loved it.
Having had my Prius only a few weeks, I dont have too much experience. I have refilled the tank twice, calculated 52 mpg. The common response is 'You got HOW many miles per gallon???' Usually, though, I am only asked by those that are interested. Others (SUV drivers?) dont want to hear about it...
Excuses are for losers, winners don't need them. I pull out my current fuel economy spreadsheet to show individual tank and cumulative fuel economy. Summer is better than winter. The car doesn't idle at stops and is a PZEV (never needs smog checks). Battery guaranteed for 150k miles in California. I look forward to being able to plug in the vehicle for even better fuel economy. I open the hood and show the layout. I pull out the rear deck and show the 12V and NiMH battery. I take them for a ride (acceleration torque, no idle, quiet, good visibility). They walk away a convert every time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(|you| @ Mar 29 2006, 06:55 PM) [snapback]232099[/snapback]</div> Are we waiting until Saturday to tell him it hasn't actually been turned on?
I just give my best tank to date, 61.5mpg, and let the chips fall where they may. If they want a more detailed report, pull up a chair. Kaos1
I am usually embarassed to anounce that I am only getting an average over the 1200 miles of 40 MPG, All of my co-workers keep teasing me that my duaghter with he 93 honda civic SI is gettin only 5 MPG less than I do. I tell them it will go up as the temperature increases, and that I have lower emissions but they just say "I guess hybrid milage isn't all it is cracked up to be". I sure hope it gets better soon