General info gathering here for the forum... What are your thoughts on an aftermarket Navigation unit to replace the Audio-Dash in II (or just the option for a different system)? These seem to be the current best fits: Advent Rosen OttoNavi Related forum links: - Advent Navigation Unit | PriusChat - Best aftermarket Nav system for 2011 Prius | PriusChat - (you can find plenty of links to videos and such buried in all those links) Prius v 7" dash: Prius v 6" dash Thoughts? Pros? Cons? Also, I can't find any information on what the full scope of "DVD Capability" means.
Any news in this reason for a change the navigation systems: 7" dash, wheel steering control, function HUD ......... ?
What are you trying to achieve by changing? Have you had the soft/firmware (not map data) updated on the Nav you have? What are you willing to spend?
My alternative nav system is my smart phone. Actually, that's my primary nav system. I'm already paying for it and it's always up to date.
This really seems to be the best alternative overall, or at least the most cost effective. Next would be a stand-alone unit from Garmin or similar. DEAD LAST is an indash unit of any kind. I think they are appropriate only for those who have money to throw away. Neither of the in-dashes I have perform as good as the smart phone or Garmin.
@mikefocke unbrauchbari have 3 different Firmware ( not Map update, are not free...) from my dealer tested. all have a bug in different modes and cases. this radio/navigation system are unusable and: i am ready to spend 1000$ for a good solution!.
My 2012 v came loaded with outdated maps which effected my business. In house construction and remodeling you are led to new and recent streets. The maps could not find locations from 2010 and sometimes '09. Of course when you complain to the dealer, they respond with double talk and there's no recourse. How ironic then that my cell phone sits horizontally in front of my nav screen.
The maps are updated around November generally and not updated as frequently or inexpensively as some of the stand alone GPS devices.
AND since most of the map for "smart phones" is really located in "the cloud", it can be updated daily. No single solution works good for everybody.......but the in-dash option seems to be the worst choice possible: Expensive, inaccurate and hard to update.
I would really like to know if anybody has success with a Car Play compatible aftermarket unit. I'm not that concerned with them right now since the car payments are !!! and I think the cheapest I have heard about is $800. But it would be much more beneficial for me to use Car Play instead of the Entune nonsense. Toyota did a good job on creating a decent looking audio system, but the usability of Entune when you have ever just used an iPhone -- likely an Android phone as well -- to get directions or whatever is just so awful.