looking at selling my 2007 Mini Cooper S and picking up a Prius C or a Prius...purposely test drove A Prius rental in July for two weeks and drove 2000 miles a drove it like a drive my S and still avaraged 47.7 mpgs and had fun doing it...I work a the local dealer so the temptation to buy one is always there...
Welcome! Seems like you've probably convinced yourself that it will be a good decision. What else is keeping you on the fence?
going from a cooper S to a possible prius c would keep me on the fence too. the coolness factor is not there
I went from a Porsche to a v. Wasn't hard to do. The different instrumentation and driving feel make it a fun ride for me. I miss the mid-engine 250+ HP in the twisties but the v does so many things so well...and an oil change costs about 25% of the Porsche's. Smart move to rent for a long period and sample.
I went from a WRX to a v. Certainly the fun factor is lower on the v when driving our twisty, hilly Ozark Mt roads. But I knew that going in, and the v handles much better than I thought it would. I can throw it into corners pretty hard and it handles predictably with very little body roll. It's a different kind of fun now, trying to maximize the fuel economy. My wife and I agree and talk about it often, that getting the v was a great decision for us.
Thanks for the feedback...I'm going to order a 2015 III in Blizzard White...or. habanero C...choices Here's Pepé trying to find him a new home
I don't know, I must be getting old but, I don't drive the twisties often so I guess what matters to some doesn't matter to me. I have a friend with a 'vette that just can't understand my love for Toyota Hybrids. Even when she rides with me and see's that I'm getting 45+mpg at 70+mph she just doesn't care. And... when I ride with her and we accelerate to 80 in 6 seconds and fly around a corner, I'm not impressed (and I'm sure she does not understand it). With all that said, I would recommend the Liftback over the C. I believe you will be much happier in the long run. The liftback is so versatile and can comfortably carry 4 adults and a ton of gear (all while getting 48+mpg's)
Haha, you sound just like what my nephew was thinking when I took him car shopping recently. I tried to convince him to buy a used prius, but I'm guessing he felt it wasn't cool enough (he and his friends often talk about sporty fast cars such as the WRX , Focus ST, and the Civic SI), and chose a new Honda Civic EX instead. Not a bad choice overall, but I'm probably going to tease him a little when gas prices go back up. Some of my family and friends poke fun at me for driving a prius, but anytime gas prices go up, I just smile and go about my way, while they whine about having to spend $50-100 a week to fill up their vehicle.
The blizzard and Barcelona would have been a 4month wait...we have twos in stock but I wanted a three...so I put dibs on this one...I'll do the PDI prep at work before taking delivery...when you live on an island you get used to waiting for things...I waited 6 weeks for my Nautical Blue Metallic 2013 TRD Sport Tacoma...worth the wait though...