This is on a 2010 model, with Bluetooth support for phone calls only. It is not the top trim level with Navigation .. My iPhone 5 used to work correctly to make and answer phone calls through BT. When I got my iPhone6 Plus, I deleted the old phone from the Prius, paired the 6+. The phone connects to the Car_Media but is otherwise non-functional. I cannot make or receive calls hands-free through the Prius. Any one else using the iPhone6+ with this vintage Prius?
No, but I recently updated my iPhone 5 to iOS8, and yesterday driving, my phone (which was previously paired to the car) started ringing, ie: the Bluetooth wasn't working. Just from what I've read, apparently version 8.1 will patch it (knock on wood), slated for Oct 22 release. My wife made an outgoing call with her iPhone 4, also updated to iOS8, and then Bluetooth did work, fwiw.
I've had no problems (once I remembered how to do the Bluetooth links!) with an iPhone 6 plus in mine, though it is a hassle to have to create the Bluetooth links separately for the phone and music. Try resetting all network links on your phone then try the pairing again.
Yours is a 2010 Prius IV. Mine is a 2010 Prius III (no music via BT). I'm waiting for the iOS 8.1 expected this week before messing w anything.
On my side connection between phone and Prius basically working but I can't use Siri to call other party. It seems that when I say "call my wife", for example, Siri talks to me via phone bluetooth interface and then hangs up. Or Prius hangs up, I don't know. But call never happening. If I tap phone number in on iPhone it works fine.
bkman, I have the exact same issue with my 2007 and came here to ask if others ran into the same wall. It's a big deal for me, because lack of voice dialing is a safety issue as far as I'm concerned. For me, Siri voice dialing ultimately fails (it never even tries to ring the person on the other end), but I see the number I wanted to call in my call history. Can anyone confirm that they have the same issue (or does voice dialing via Siri actually work for anyone on an iPhone 6+)?
I've updated my Iphone to 8.1 now, no improvement: if I get a call while driving, it's still my iphone that rings.
My wife's 2014 PiP Advanced is having the same issue with her 6 plus. It works to make or receive calls via BT. But Siri is not working Have not upgraded to 8.1
Can you imagine the finger-pointing when you contact Apple or Toyota to fix this? I don't expect Toyota to do field updates to the firmware of a 4 year old model. Here's hoping that a lot of Apple engineers use Priuses
NOOOOOO!!! Don't tell me that! I'll be getting my iPhone 6 Plus sometime this week. However, my iPhone 5 with iOS 8.1 does that too. I listen to Podcasts and the Toyota system kept crashing saying that it cannot read the USB.
I actually contacted Apple about the issue and am forwarding stuff that their engineers will hopefully look at (like this thread). That reminds me, I still need to make a video demonstrating the problem so I can forward it along.
Finally someone called me while I was in the car!! iOS 8.1 seems to have fixed the problem. iOS 8.1.1 is out now. Haven't tested w that yet.
8.1 didn't work for me. But unpairing my phone and then repairing worked. Except, my wife's phone, which previously was working, doesn't work now. Will try same tactic with hers, see what it does.
I have a 2011 Prius, and a 2013 Highlander Hybrid. I have the issue on the Prius but it works fine on the Highlander. I believe the issue was fixed sometime between 2011 and 2013, and I believe it is a Toyota issue because during that time I have had an iphone 4s, 5, and 6 and it happened with all 3 phones on the Prius, but none of them on the Highlander. I love my Prius, but I have actually considered upgrading the car because of this issue. I have found that the new "Hey Siri" is a slight fix. If you say the phrase fast enough, before the car's bluetooth intervenes, it works, but you have to be quick. This seems like something that can be fixed with a software update to the car, and Toyota did that for me, but again, it did not fix the problem.
Having the same issue with my 2010 Prius IV and iPhone 6 on iOS 8.1. This sucks but it has been a problem since iOS 7 as well. Siri connects through BT so trying to use that to dial just causes the Siri "call" to end. I see a record of the number I was TRYING to call using Siri has logged in my Recent Calls in the Phone app on my iPhone. Upgrading my car is a bit drastic for me, but a HU upgrade isn't out of the question. I've been looking at the Pioneer NEX 4100, in fact. Anyone found a solution other than an aftermarket HU?
I just updated to a 2010 Prius '05 & '06 Siri worked with my iphone 5. I think on the '06 I had to delete an old iphone profile from my brother (who I bought the car from) '10 I have tried numerous times-on the off chance I do get the correct name the number dials then disconnects. So very frustrating....
One thing I've discovered: you can't have two phones paired. They can both be "in there" I think, but only the latest to be "initialized" is recognized, when you jump in the car. My wife and I are at a stand-off now, lol. I forget if either phone is working right now, kinda given up in frustration.