I'm strongly considering my first maps DVD update since I bought my Prius in 2007, and I guess the new version of the DVD comes out in a week or two. My questions are about what to expect. Does anything change except the maps? Is the UI any different? Is there a performance degradation? Is there anything else I should be aware of?
Just make sure you get the right version from the dealership. Don't assume they'll order the right part number (I specifically asked for a 2010 Prius which uses a Gen 6 system but I still somehow managed to end up with a Gen 5 disc and had to return it and get them to order the right one). I didn't notice any difference updating from disc version 8.1 to 13.1 except an expanded network of roads that are covered by XMNavTraffic but that doesn't really concern you since the Gen 2 doesn't receive traffic information as far as I know.
that's important, but don't waste your money on the quesarito or whatever its called. the cheese-- if you can call it that-- is like cheese whiz and I thought it was nasty. the loco tacos are mighty good though!