I've been trying this out and I do believe it works well. I'll call it pulse and DWL as it combines the concepts of pulse & glide with Driving With Load (DWL). Conditions needed are modest traffic, a 4 lane divided highway with a 55 MPH speed limit and relatively flat (moderate hills are fine). Pulse to 55 MPH without getting into the PWR region of the HSI then back off the pedal to where the HSI is between 1/8" and 1/4" right of center. Hold the HSI stable and speed will climb or fall with terain. If speed climbs to 60 hold speed by backing off the pedal & when speed falls add pedal to hold HSI position. If speed falls to 45, due to uphill, pulse till HSI enter PWR & hold till speed builds back to 55. During the DWL phase the instant fuel economy will be 70 + MPG if the Traction battery is not being charged. With a warm ICE and no HV battery charging I've been seeing long segments of 70MPG with average speeds of 55 or so.
The best way to validate the technique is to run a benchmark: A - using the alternate, cruise control? B - using this driving technique minimum 10 mile duration, 15-20 minutes warmed up before tests same day with same start and stop point document each with photos of a reset, tripmeter Testing is what proves a technique. For example, the first year we had my wife's 2010, I ran a series of benchmarks comparing cruise-control operated pulse-and-glide versus cruise control above 42 mph with both techniques having the same block-to-block speed. I remember posting the results at PriusChat. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Simpler: just monitor the HSI and whenever it's below midpoint, avoid running the ICE by either gliding or using electricity. This gives me 60+mpg with minimal effort.
How does it compare over a 10 mile course using just cruise control for the same average speed? Bob Wilson
I did this for a while when I first got my Prius Three. I never did any actual experiments. Now I just use cruise control on flat freeways, you can pretty much set your desired mpg so to speak. Of course wind is a significant factor in the Sacrament valley, lower mpg going west higher going east for a given mph most days. In the hills I go a bit slower up and charge the battery going down.
Ok..forgive a noob's confusion. But i thought this is what SHM is all about? I've been doing this quiet a while now; Pulse to 55mph w out hitting PWR bar, back off until instantaneous MPG shows around 94mpg w out ICE turning off, hold it at 94mpg while speed bleeds off ever so slowly (give or take a bar on the instantaneous MPG to maintain and prolong the glide). Then pulse again at the lowest speed you can put up with. Or until you see the white of the drivers eye behind you (lol, joke on the last one). I also sometimes count to ensure the glide is at least the same or longer than the pulse.