I put 30dlls but when it was going on 24$ pump stopped, and I insisted on get 25$ so I put another dollar but thank was filled cause the gun stopped again ,, then I go with the filled tank 2 days ago, I have travelled 110 miles and the cluster keep showing full gas bars, not even one bar has gone, Im worried about misreading info about gas, is this normal,, maybe tomorrow it start dopping ,,if not it can be reseted? Or I screwed the thank sensor or something? Theres a way to reset gas reading? Thanks,,, btw 55.4 mpg on those 110 last travelled miles,
Apparently, you filled the tank and topped it off. It takes a few miles for the gas gauge to start dropping. It will, with more miles.
Yes all is normal. But always stop filling when the gun, in this case, stops to avoid fouling the evap system or breaching the fuel bladder. If that were to happen it will take many pesos to fix.
I must confess , or the prius is a very good mpg car or somethings wrong my cluster 4 days later is still full bars
When we get a good fill-up (rare) my 2006 can go 150 miles@50MPG before first pip goes away. This happened to us a couple weeks ago. At 55 MPG that could be 160 miles. After that first pip, each pip averages about 30 miles@50 MPG, with some longer miles pips around a quarter tank.
First pip is frequently 100 miles for me, too. Later pips not so much. That's why we call it a "guess gauge". When the Prius starts blinking ... get gas. Don't run out of gas. If you do run out, be sure to add 3.5 gallons (better yet fill it!!!) -- the usual gallon from a tow truck won't start a Prius when foolishly sucked dry.
Well and a bar is gone now,,, i guess my conclusion is that it gets better mpg than my previous honda civ hyb,
There are other odd symptoms from topping off as much as possible. If the pump's auto shut off isn't dialed in right ... you can be pumping away - them stop it ... pull the nozzel out and it looks like a sceen from The Exorcist ... gas vomiting - all over you ... the street ... it can be a real mess ... not to mention it toasts your charcole canister.
I went to a longer trim over the summer and clocked 175 highway miles until the first bar dropped off. This was also with the cruise control.
Well theres some discrepancy on each bar then, cause if prius can get 150 mpg on each bar the sum is 1200 miles for 8 bars? Maybe the most big mpg can be achieved on first bar
Your assumption is that each pip (bar) will give a constant milage. This is an incorrect assumption, as the gauge is not linear. Instead, the pips drop off quicker as you get closer to empty -- each pip giving less miles. The last pip will only give you 50-70 mi, depending on your consumption figure (MPG). This, incidentally, is the same behaviour I have seen on all cars I have ever owned. One thing to note with my observation is that this fuel gauge behaviour might be a Japanese thing, as all the cars I have owned have been Japanese cars. YMMV.
Ookey ,,, let me tell you the bar went off after 149 miles, but another bar gone at 190 miles so? Only 41 miles for the second bar to go. I guess that behaviour is bcuz the strong fill up