I hear a low barking like sound from my 2008 Prius when I have my AC on. I do not think it is related to to brake actuator noise since I hear this noise while parked. If I have AC off with Fan on, I do not hear the noise. I took it to a dealer and was unable to produce the sound at that time. So I recorded it the next time I heard it. What do you guys think causing the noise? I also think the fan runs a little louder that it should. TIA
I know it is not very loud. I took the video with a cellphone and the fan noise was really loud. But you can hear the noise at 0:02, 0:29, and 0:52. Maybe you also need to turn the volume all the way up. Thanks
I don't hear anything other than a constant soft whirring maybe? Is that what we are listening for? Is there a specific timepoint in the video where the sound can be heard?
I hear it on mine too. It has been making that noise since I got the car new! All I know is it makes that noise when the compressor is starting. I've heard it on other Priii too.
Mine makes same noise also. Sound comes when compressor starts (to use current). It maybe blend door or compressor itself.
My 2008 T Spirit makes that same noise too, when the A/C is operational. It's been doing this since I purchased it back at the end of June 2013. Sometimes you can hear it, and sometimes you don't. I do believe it's harmless, particularly as the A/C has continued to operate flawlessly and quite effectively ever since I took ownership of the car. The other morning, I fired up the front window demisters and the A/C compressor kicked in, clearing the windscreen in seconds - very impressive! Curiously, when I deactivated the front demister, the A/C continued operation. I was alerted to this some distance into my journey when I heard the "Bark" sound, and realised the A/C was still online. So at the very least, it serves as an alert signal. Also, it is worth noting that we often do hear it at all only because the Gen II Prii can be incredibly quiet while running