You may want to check with Carmax as well. They will appraise the car and provide you with a cash offer in 30 minutes.
The CA green sticker is probably not a big factor right now, because they are still giving out green stickers up to 70000. But if the green stickers are gone after that, next year sometime, and you have a green sticker, then there could be a better market at that time. I take as an interesting technicality, the question if a second owner could legally claim $2500 Fed credit, or not if the first owner had not taken the credit. I think the tax form just takes VIN number so any VIN will do. As far as TurboTax is concerned I just put in a VIN from any car to force it thru for a sample calculation. CA rebate I think says 3 yrs ownership.
fix the car and sell the car. It is probably worth around $23k - $25k. a quick sell would be $21-22k . New Car Prices and Used Car Book Values - NADAguides
agreed - I mentioned my 22k trade to the dealer (and their subsequent failure to sell) only to maybe get a better handle on worth Since they're unsuccessful unloading at 23k - and you know they'd take 22k - I'd peg it at 21-22k just sharing, different states.... good luck
I probably am not going to fix it since I have to navigate this driveway daily and while I haven't hit it again yet I'd rather not fix it multiple times. I might take it to CarMax just to get a good chuckle.
That's a good idea. We take all of the cars we sell to CarMax to get their offer and usually laugh it off. However we just sold a gifted Jeep to them for less than $500 difference than private party KBB price which is about what they were selling for on eBay/ First time we ever took their offer and it was super easy.
What are regular Gen3's selling for of equivalency? This would be the same with maybe about a $500 premium.