I believe the last free service in our 25k 2 yr plan only rotates tires and misc. check fluids, etc. Should I be concerned to get it in 'before' 25k, so as to technically not be out of the free warranty? 10/30/14 will be my wife's one year mark. Our 25k will come in next 3 months or so. I wouldn't even bother, as it is a hassle taking it in, but I thought it would be good to see if there was a last Entune update. Last update I had was in March from 3.1 to 3.2. Have there been any TSB or recall fixes (or rumored coming)? I don't think so, but just want to be sure as I exit 'Toyota Care'. )
1) you always want to be able to prove you had every service done somewhere, until you are out of warranty. (150,000 miles in CA) 2) it is free at the dealer.
Good point. I think there is merit in what you say. Even though they may not actually 'do' anything at a 25k service, they have verified the status of all systems are still OK and within spec. Sort of giving it a clean bill of health at that point in time. I can see the 'warranty issues' value in that.
If you are going to sell your car. Its better to get the 25k service done. It will add $$ to the resale value. Plus get the service done before your miles hit 25k or it won't be free. Some dearlerships are strict with the 25k service under warranty
I just scheduled my last free service. My dealer said there is a 1,000 mile grace period for the last free service, so I am cool at ≈25,550.
I brought mine in late because I was less than 25k at the two year mark. They still gave me the free service. It was only a month or so late.