My teenage son inherited my 05 Prius when I bought a '12 PiP, and hasn't been enthusiastic about it at all (though he admits he likes the idea that he spends less on gas than his friends). He just texted me this photo with the caption "My Life!" Maybe it's because I'm a practical guy in his 50's, but is Prius widely considered totally uncool in younger circles?
When you are a kid, you want a car that turns heads (in a good way) Obviously a Prius was not designed to get chix.
Becoming an adult means growing out of that. Which sadly, some never actually do. By the way, my Prius helped me get my chick... ironically, the same way as in the photo above, but with a different message. My exclamation of love to her on our first Valentine's Day was telling the world via a decal on back. Now, she's my fiancée and we're planning a nice wedding for next summer. And yes, the decal is still there.
Yeah, it's probablly uncool to own one if you're part the the younger set. Those here who care... raise your hands.
What is cool about the prius that a teenager with a car that can turn heads doesn't have that they wish they could have, its ability pull up in the driveway past curfew time or anywhere else unnoticed, put that thing in EV mode turn off the light and you got your self a ninja Prius, even better if its black...HOWEVER the only drawback is get in the house unnoticed and that's a skill a teenager cant seem to master.
When I was in high school in the 1960s, the quarterback on the football team drove a pink Edsel. The car wasn't cool, but the driver made it cool.
Truth is, the Prius in not a "cool" car among the younger male set, but it will build character and verbal defense skills (maybe even some physical ones too). He'll get over it and likely hand over something to his son he doesn't want either. Something about wisdom and age..."usually".
We all know he should be thankful just for having a car and one he can better afford, but if it wasn't his choice, or at least a joint decision, then I'm afraid I'm on his side. My parents forced me to by a 1958 Beetle in 1965, before they were "cool" (and even then I wouldn't have wanted it, they've never been cool to me). Fortunately, the thing lasted only 90 days to the day before the engine gave way. The dealer did let me trade it at a $50 loss for the 1959 Impala I had wanted. I did have some fun in the Beetle while I had and none of my friends ever said anything negative about it, but it just wasn't me at the time. Now, almost 50 years later, my 75 year old brother-in-law, who still lives in the early 1950's (Oldsmobile), thinks I'm nuts for buying a Prius. I just laugh and challenge him to match gas bills with his Chrysler 300 Hemi.
It will be cool when his friends are struggling to pay for gas in their cars and he isn't. My teenage daughter wants one now that she has driven mine and ridden in her friends prius c.
Text him back a picture of a bicycle and say "Your new life!" I was given my parents' old minivan when I was in high school and I was grateful for the car. It was nowhere near as sexy as some of the cars my classmates had but I had fun driving it.
Heck, when I was in school my parents made me buy my own. Doing that, I got what I considered cool! A used 1980s ford ranger... Yeah... Stylin. (/sarcasm)
Hmmm, my friends usually say "BUT CAN IT CRUSH CARS" then keep laughing (majority of them drive trucks). However, I do have the last laugh when they pull up to gas stations.
Have to ask them if they paid extra for their trucks natural tendency to pull to the right, approaching every gas station.
Your son inherited a Prius and is less than happy? Tough. Take it off him and let him buy his own cooler car if he's that bothered. I don't know the guy but I'm hoping he's not bordering on spoilt? A second class ride is always better than a first class walk.
Lol, yes I would agree, Prius is not a cool car in those teenage years. I'd say it's pretty normal for him to behave that way...especially when you see other kids driving and modding those Scions, Hondas and modern muscle cars and trucks....and the older used ones are probably cheaper than your son's Prius. But they don't see that haha. I remember back in the days in mid 90's when I was in high school (I'm 36 now), when modded Civics and Integras were the rage. My dad bought me a KIA Sportage and I was actually teased by chicks! (It looked completely foreign when it was first introduced to states) Of course I complained to my parents, that's what teenagers do....but I was still thankful to have a car. I worked my nice person off to buy myself something I liked. Actually made me a better person.