Hello, On my 2014 pip. (4500 miles) I notice when I go over expansion joints on the freeway with my window open I can hear a bit of a clank sound. I do not hear it with the windows closed. Also it must be done at speed > 55mph. I do have a trailer hitch but it seems quite tight. Is this normal? Is it an issue I should bring up at the 5k service?
It could be a missing bushing somewhere in the undercarriage. If you don't get it fixed, it may wear through.
i would climb under and give it a good look see. maybe the exhaust system or an under panel. better if you can get it up on a lift.
I hear something like this when I "drive by Braille" (driving over the dots on the road). I always thought it was a heat shield or something like that. I dont recall when I first noticed it, but I would say its done it since it was new. I rarely hear it (since I dont drive by Braille that often and my window is rarely down) so I never thought to bring it up at a service appointment. And like you, I never hear it with the windows up. But I've been under the car a few times and never noticed anything that looked like it would make noise. It definitely wouldnt hurt to bring it up at a service appointment.
It is your brake pads moving around in the fitment kits. There is a bulletin for older cars, new ones do it sometimes too. Both the shop 2011 and 2014 do it. NBD. Bulletin is T-SB-0136-11.
Michigan roads are not in the best shape, so I hear this sound all the time from our 2013 pip base. Clanking seems like a good description. It's a solid, predictable sound; not wild or worrisome. We have one "good" hybrid tech at a nearby Toyota dealer, and he said his personal non-pip does the same thing...although he has never mentioned any cause. The brake pads moving around seems like a good explanation. It's that kind of sound.