Hey there everyone - I have been trying to find out what happened to my mfd and digital clock this afternoon but can't seem to find the exact same issue. I turned my car on this afternoon go out, and at a stop sign my entire mfd, the clock, and the music all shut off. The screen is completely black on the mfd and the clock. Nothing will display at all. The cd player won't work even if I use my mode/tuner buttons on my steering wheel. I have been successful in getting my air conditioning to work via the steering wheel buttons, but nothing else will work. My speedometer and gas indicators are all working fine - it just seems the entire center console has completely gone AWOL. I have never had any problems with my the car until now. It's a 2008 so it's out of warranty and I'm completely stumped as what could be going on. My aux input wont register now either. I'm going to call the dealer on Monday to get some answers, but I've read some other threads about mfd's and how when they do this, it's just immediately recommended to replace it. I'm concerned though as it won't play any music and the digital clock doesn't work either. Does anyone know what this could be? I have a hard time believing the mfd is an issue after only three years of normal use.
The MFD is not the problem. Check these fuses: 15A DOME and 7.5A ACC. The DOME fuse is located in the main relay/fuse box next to the inverter. The ACC fuse is located in the fuse box under the instrument panel, driver's side.
I'm going to have my husband help me with this as I'm quite helpless. I'm going to look up exactly what you are talking about. Should the fuses be no good, where can we purchase them? I'm assuming this is an easy, cheap fix? I really appreciate the help. I was so nervous this was going to be $1,000 + issue. We will go out first thing tomorrow and check this out. Can a fuse just stop working randomly like that -- is there a cause?
The fuses are a special "mini" size so a typical discount auto parts store may not carry them. You can get the fuses at your Toyota dealer. If a fuse blew randomly (without an underlying problem that caused the fuse to blow) then this would be an easy, cheap fix. However if another problem caused the fuse to blow, then the cost to fix will depend upon the problem.
So we figured it out. It is for sure the 7.5 ACC fuse. We got a new fuse today at a specialty parts shop. We replaced it and everything came back on. So I get in the car excited this only cost me $2.00 and fiddled with the mfd for a minute or two to make sure all was good. I reset the time and started to go. I started to adjust the mirrors with the electronic panel on my drivers side door panel and bam - the center console goes blank again. I stop the car and my husband pulls the fuse out. Blown, again. He took it into the car shop and they said that was usually a sign of a wiring issue. I'm calling the dealership first thing tomorrow. The fuse is certainly blowing like crazy but I have no idea why or how. I have to say though, I adjusted my seat for the first time in ages which required my mirrors to be adjusted yesterday. When I started to use the window adjustment panel on my drivers side, that's when it blew. It blew again today once I started to adjust that - so I feel like it is linked to that.
OK, you've gathered excellent info that will help the dealer tech quickly determine the problem. I don't have access to the wiring diagram right now so I can't look deeper into this issue. Maybe a power mirror motor has a short within. Good luck with your car's repair.
Thanks Patrick. It was the Acc fuse for me. But it took me a long while to figure it out. Thanks again. Just for anyone else who might be interested, the problem for me was that the MFD, the Clock as well as the Stereo would not come on at all. The Acc 7.5 amp fuse blew.
I know this post is a over a year old... I too had the MFD, Radio, and clock stop working. Same as Ramanjit81 it was Fuse #24 - 7.5 ACC looking at the fuse it wasn't obviously blown, only until I closely examined it, there was a hair-line seperation by the edge of the fuse (not the center!) as soon as I switched it out everything started working again!
My 2005 had same symptom but the mirrors didn't blow the fuse, the radio did. I replaced the radio ($40 on ebay) and it all works fine. I made the mistake of assuming the MFD was off because it was bad and replaced it unnecessarily. Note: as of 9/2014 you can get a 05-09 MFD for $125 on ebay.