I talked to an upholstery shop that quoted me $500 to install Clazzio seat covers. (I am disabled and can't install them myself). Is this really that difficult of a job?
Installing Clazzio's is installing "Seat Covers" not really re-upholstering your interior. I've heard and read that the installation is somewhat challenging and time consuming. But $500 to do it? Seems excessive to me. I'd simply call around and see if you can find a place willing to do it cheaper. Maybe that IS the going rate for time and labor in such an endeavor but that seems high since they are really not providing any product. Just the labor of installation, and since they conceivably have the tools and experience, you'd think for them, it wouldn't really be that hard. It's kind of bad, if the installation costs nearly as much or more than the covers themselves. Good Luck.
Thank you for your response, I thought the same. If that is the best I can do, I will have to go a different route
Good Luck. Numerous threads by people that have purchased and installed Clazzios. I think they look great. I like the product. I hope you can find some way...or someone to install for you, at a rate that makes it worth while.
shop around and ask your dealership. my local Toyota dealership that sells the clazzios can have someone install it for an additional $100
Also you might want to make sure they know that these are seat covers and not replacement upholstery. They probably think they are reupholstering your car and you bought the new covers for the job. This is the best solution, your Toyota dealer should know exactly what they are getting into and should be able to do it.
Great idea! I didn't know(or think of) that Toyota dealers did that. Thank you so much. This forum is such a valuable resource.
You should call me: 855-CLAZZIO I can line you up with other local clazzio installers. $500 is WAY too much. I've personally installed over 50 clazzio kits in the prius. With 2 people, it takes us 45 minutes. It's one of my favorite installs because of how easy it is. We always recommend finding help if you can, see if any friends or family members can come help you install them first.. and worst case have them installed.. but they are designed as a DIY install. You can always call us if you are stuck too. -Tyler
Thank you Tyler, for your input. I will continue to look for alternate installation options. My disabilities prohibit me from even being a part of this procedure, and I am sure that it isn't too difficult. I will be addressing this again in a couple of months. Thanks also for being a part of our community.