has anyone ever had to change out a right rear abs harness on a 2010 gen.III? are the harnesses ohm sensitive? I was changing out the hub bearing assy. on the right rear and gave the hub a good whack to remove it. I had already replaced the left side and it was rusted in place so figured r/s was the same .. nope flew out and took the end off the abs cable. If the cable isn't ohm sensitive I can just solder the new end on harness and re- assemble. Without having to remove the old harness and take 1/2 the car apart.
Thank You wasn't sure if it was ohm sensitive. It'll have an appointment with a soldering iron and heat shrink as apposed to removing the whole harness which looks to have a connection in the area of behind the back seat along with about 15 clips and grommets.. was hoping there was a connector repair kit to replace the end -- if there is nobody was willing to share that I could find.
I would solder but I believe this may be what your are looking for: (see EBay link below) Your 2010 isn't listed for this auction but I wouldn't be surprised if the dealer offered a similar cost product for your 2010. Im pretty sure the connector is the same since the same hub fits 2010/2011 Toyota 11 13 Prius ABS Wheel Speed Sensor Right 8951647090 | eBay
Thank you for replying -- my trouble is the vehicle has to be rolling Friday by 8 am. I can put my mits on a l/s cable right now -is why the question of ohm sensitivity cut the end off l/s cable and do a temp. fix and when vehicle returns Monday pm. repair it properly. I have a harness in the pipeline but would arrive after vehicle has to be rolling. Called local dealer and they were no help with a simple yes or no as to sensitivity. They didn't have to know why just yes or no. They pointed to a Toyota tech site that for 2 questions was very expensive guess that's to deter weekend wrench turners. And it also seems they have a very cornered market on parts for the Prius. this site wouldn't let me put this below your response....
that's what I needed to know.... most abs cables are ohm sensitive ( in my experience) of 35 years of working on heavy trucks -- cars are different story... don't have much to do with them. This Prius was at the dealers for 100,000 mile service so had paper trail for maintenance and they didn't do much for their "50 point safety inspection" .. Personally if I had a vehicle in with semi- high mileage would check wheel hubs while in the air changing gear box oil and coolants. They could have gotten another high dollar repair that wasn't time consuming. Ray Charles could have seen the l/r hub bearing was very bad and r/s wasn't anything to write home about. You could certainly heard and felt them by just spinning wheel. And it just didn't go bad in the month since it was there. Water under the bridge... I made the mistake of figuring the hub on the r/s was as rusted in place as the l/s was and gave it a few whacks with a dead blow mallet and wasn't expecting to come rocketing out and it did taking the harness end with it. Both harnesses were in as such that you couldn't unclip them first then remove the hub. At least sitting on the floor as opposed to on a lift. Lesson learned if there's a next time expect it to come right out then wouldn't have to replace harness.
If you want to try and solder them, Toyota specifies anything over 1 ohm is excessive. I wouldn't recommend it as a reliable repair. A lack of shield introduces interference into the digital signal causing some weird codes and ABS activation.
do any of you have access to say where the inside harness end to the main harness is? it looks like there's about 10" to a 1' that goes inside from the wheel well grommet which would put it in the area of the back of the rear seat bottom or in the back by the dead end of the seat belt. I haven't taken it apart as of yet due to getting replies about the cable and seeing it could be patched to get it moveable for this weekend then install the correct cable on Monday. thank You Again for replying. This "patch " would only be there so vehicle could be used over weekend I have the proper cable coming but it won't be here till Friday afternoon and the car has to be rolling Friday AM. I can get a l/s cable right now which was hoping could provide a temp. fix and release the car with no dash lights lite to cause panic and phone calls.
See this thread, post #29 (on second page): spiderman did the same thing. He just re-stripped the wire ends, reinserted and super glued. Shrink tube & plasti dip sound like good ideas too. Rear wheel bearings | PriusChat
no.... very happily retired truck mechanic with more replaced parts than the hardware store has. I no longer turn wrenches for a living and haven't in well over 8 years... Her prius went in to have tune-up and fluids changed to have paper trail if she ever wants to sell it. hence the "50 point safety check" to which the rear hubs must have been items 51 & 52 just off the list.. Here in Pa. they have a yearly safety and emissions inspection and it failed due to both rear wheel hub bearings were in need of attention. So looking at You tube video it was an easy repair so bought hubs ( captured item dealer only) and was replacing them my self. finished l/s which was the worst should have stopped right there till Monday when the car would be back... but didn't had apart to just remove r/s hub figured was like other side that had to be coaxed out by way of brass drift... Oh no r/s flew out by 2nd whack -- not expecting that didn't hold on to it (should have) and couldn't stop it quick enough before it removed the cable end to the sensor. LESSON LEARNED no I'm no shop just didn't want to contribute to the local coffers at the Toyota dealer for a repair that should have been seen with a vehicle with any kind of mileage on it-- had they said they were bad would have had them repair it all in same service
I know that this is an old post, but I did not see an answer to the question of where the upper connection is on the wiring harness for the rear ABS sensors. The connectors are located in front of the rear shock towers and just in front of the rectangular access port on either side of the rear "trunk" liner. To get to it you have to pretty much remove everything from the trunk hatch area and pull up the panels over the battery so that you can pull out the bottom of the liner to allow access to the connection.