Hi everyone. We have been on the waiting list for a new Prius (we already own one) at Toyota Carlsbad in Carlsbad (San Diego) California since December. The funny thing is, they say that they move 15 cars a month, but for the past two months, every time we call they tell us that we are number 35 on the list. It doesn't take much to figure out that this math doesn't fly. Has anyone else out ther had problems with the management of their waiting list? We are trying to figure out if there is some kind of higher prirorty list (ie, fraud) going on here. Anxious to hear other's experiences with this or any other dealer.
I think lots of dealerships started out with waiting lists in good faith, but got corrupted when they saw the money they were missing by honoring them. It seems that the 'MSRP Waiting List' lots of places really means - you can have a car after the demand dies down and we can stop selling them for more. Not to say your dealership is one of those who has succumbed, but we're seeing lots of situations where people on the 'list' are getting passed over for folks who are willing to pay a premium. As an experiment, you could have a friend call the dealership and say "I want a Prius NOW and I'm willing to pay ANYTHING to get one". See what they say. That might give a clue as to where all those 15 cars a month are going, hehe.
Great Idea Testing the dealer by having a friend call and offer a premium for getting a car faster is a great Idea. I'm going to try it right away. Thanx for the great advice
And it's true that some dealers are still charging MSRP and working their lists. So no need to put up with this treatment! Of course I have no idea how many fall in either category ... (Though for N Cal. I recommend Marin Toyota, under new management/ownership, they sold me mine for MSRP plus floor mats & $45 doc fee, not what I consider a serious markup!)
I've actually gotten my dealer to give me the car below MSRP (about $300 below). Granted I originally ordered a #8 and ended up going for the #9, but they are still giving me the discount.