Hi everyone! I'm a new owner of a 2012 Prius C and noticed a minor piece missing from the left side passenger door. I was wondering if someone could give me an idea of a part name/number. I've attached a couple of images to show you what i'm looking for. Thanks a million!
I think your molding has been cut, it looks shorter than it should be. Look at your other door to see the length and where it should meet up with the other molding. I replaced this part on my 2010 just the other day for about $30. I see it available for the 2012 C for only about $10 (online) or $15 retail at dealer right side - 6818052180 left side - 6823052180
Best you go to a dealer and ask them to look for it. I don't see it in this parts diagram.... 2012 Toyota Prius C Parts - Camelback Toyota Parts - Genuine OEM Parts - Free Shipping
After some footwork by my local Toyota dealership we found out it was in fact the weather strip for the left passenger door. (Part #68230-52180 /$17.90 CAD). I thought there was a clip missing when it fact it was just a piece of the plastic that had broken off. I replaced it in about 5 minutes and it's back to normal. It was exactly that part! It wasn't a missing clip, but the whole weather strip. Thanks so much for your help.