Hello, Since the FOB is quite expensive ($175.00 ?) I don't feel comfortable using valet parking in that the FOB will be hooked to some board while the Prius is parked. I imagine a lot of cars now have FOBS now so the attendanats should have a lot of experience working with them. I'm also thinking of the replacement expense if one is stolen. Anyone have experience parking their Prius with valet attendants? Thanks.
The Prius is the second or third car we've had that uses a fob. Haven't ever had a problem with valet parking. It's actually nicer than leaving a traditional key, because you don't have to wrestle it off (and back on) one of those stupid wire keyring things.
Im a valet attendent myself. And i can guarentee you any attentend will tell you their most common car is a Prius. So yes, the attendent will more than likely have plenty experience with the Prius fob. But what is there to know? Its just lock and unlock.. As far as your fob being stolen, the valet company should pay for a new one in the case that one does get stolen. But it really isnt likely, especially at a hotel. Of course, this is just a generalization. I cant speak for all valet companies and hotels.
I wouldn't worry about it--fobs have been common for some time now. Yours will have plenty of company on the key board.
I would be more worried about the driving abilities of the attendant who will be driving your car. There are quite a few YouTube videos of Valet abuse, and I don't mean them getting punched out after they screw with your ride!
Coincidentally, I just had my prius valet parked at a hotel this past weekend when I attended a wedding in L.A. Everything seemed to be in order(no scratches or anything out of the ordinary) but I did notice my battery level was at 2-3 bars, much lower than what I left it at 5 bars. I did leave the a/c on as I had my family plus it was hot outside so that could have been the reason if they had the engine idyling for awhile.
You'd think with the CC on he would have remembered to turn the car off. Sometimes I give people too much credit. Valets have discharged my battery twice. That's no fun in NYC stop & go traffic.
Last Tuesday I went food shopping and when I got out of the car, the guy next to me, that was loading his car, said to me that he was afraid of those things. I asked him Priuses and he said hybrids. He told me he parks cars for a living and he doesn't like hybrids because he could never tell when they're running.
This is not specific to the Prius, but in general I prefer to park my cars myself--although some times it's impossible/very difficult to do it, so I valet.
I stayed at a hotel with valet parking this summer. When I dropped the car off, my tank MPG was about 50. My average speed about 23. The next morning, my tank MPG was 32. Average speed was 11. No miles driven. They had left the car on all night. I called the hotel to complain but they never admitted it. I s
I won't as a rule let a valet park my vehicles either, as I almost always have firearms in the console and trunk/hatch areas. Remember, I am in the south, and we ''cling to our guns and Bibles''............
Dangerous to ''car-jackers'' and ''thugz'',,,,,,,, I have never had a problem personally, but do know some that have. I also carry a spare tire-- just in case I need it.