RIP My 2007 Prius w/ 180k miles =( Classic situation: Three lane road - rightmost lane being a dedicated right turn lane for the traffic signal ahead. The two "straight" lanes were backed up with traffic past the break in the median. Other drivers made space for a white Ford Ranger to make a left turn. There was no traffic in the right turn lane so I was approaching the light at ~30 MPH in a 40 MPH zone. Someone waved the Ranger driver through and BAM! T-boned the back end of Ranger which spun into a Honda CR-V at the stop sign. Thankfully everyone was ok. I was the only occupant of my Prius. One driver in the Ranger. One driver and her 3-year old kid in the CR-V (which sustained the least amount of damage). Impact was between 25 - 30 MPH. Airbags didn't go off. Damage: Front bumper snapped into the radiator. Didn't lose too much fluid. Hood is done. Both fenders are damaged (more on the passenger side) Engine compartment apron/frame on passenger side bent in I'm pretty sure this one is a total loss. Still have to wait for the official insurance company appraisal. 'Tis a sad day. EDIT: The police report identified the Ford Ranger driver at complete fault.
Glad to hear that people were not hurt, but making blind turns in heavy traffic at 30 mph is a recipe for accidents.
Something I should've been more aware of. I've been on the other side where I'm trying to make a left turn and people wave you past assuming the lanes adjacent to them are clear.
Glad to read that everyone is OK, for now. But who knows what they will say later. Wow, you actually got a police report. Only if its a massive accident in the LA area, will one get a police report. If you're on the freeway, CHP usu gives you one. Yup, insurance will write the car off. 2007 w/ 180K miles, approx. $6,000 (generous) value from KBB for NewMexico. Each insurance company's threshold for write off varies. Some are greedy and will only write off when repair costs hit 50% (cost of repair/vehicle value). All insurance companies write a car off if there is water damage (ie flood); too much liability if a repaired water damage car's air bags doesn't deploy, resulting in injury/death. Usually when paint is involved, $1k minimum. There is only $2K left to acquire the replacement parts. Granted, contracted insurance body shops agree to a reduced rate, and have to use the cheapest parts first, you have too much stuff to restore, and won't stay under the 50% threshold. Hopefully you were in the market for a new car anyway? If so, then this would be a blessing in disguise: no one got hurt, not at fault, walking away w/ down payment money.
Lesson learned -- that's good. I have made more than my fair share of dumb mistakes, but I try hard not to repeat them The one accident I have been involved in was similar to yours. I was driving straight ahead in the right hand lane of two lanes. The adjacent lane was backed up, but a car coming in the opposite direction was given an opening and turned left into me. The only difference was that I noticed the gap opening so I slowed down, even though I could not see the turning car. Result was a small fender bender for both us. Non-aggressive, defensive driving will keep you out of accidents. Much better than being 'not at fault.'
I'm trying to figure out how the damage to the Ranger is on the left hand side. If he was coming from the other direction and turning a (blind) left across two lanes of stopped traffic (in OPs direction), then surely op would have contacted on his right hand side? It looks to me more like the Ranger was trying to turn left (onto the main road) from the side street, and with OP in the right most lane he should have be clearly visible? Or am I looking at this wrong somehow?
^^ I wondered about the orientation, and promptly gave up Perhaps the damage you see is from the CRV ?
Yep I also initially thought maybe it was from the impact with the CRV, but in the last photo you can see the right hand side of the Ranger is completely undamaged. So the left side damage must be from the impact with the OP.
Looking at the pictures now it looks a bit tricky! My Prius' point of impact on the Ranger was just in front of the rear passenger side wheel and low. That's why when looking at the frame of the truck bed, it seems like there's no damage. That spun the Ranger clockwise into the CR-V which caused the damage you see on the Ranger's left side.
I've parted a car out before and I don't have the time and space to deal with something like that =( The insurance payout was surprisingly high. I ended up getting $7.6k.
Here's the new one! 2011 Prius III w/ 41.5k miles. Toyota Certified Pre-Owned. 4 year/100k miles Comprehensive & Power Train Warranty + 4 years of free scheduled maintenance. Paid $18k OTD.
Insurance Claim update: My insurance company notified me that the driver of the White Honda CR-V has reported an injury.
Ok that makes sense now. The right rear wheel and axle (on the Ranger) must have taken most of the impact, and that area can't be seen in the photos. Yeah, the most unlikely participant to have received an injury. Insurance scam anyone? Anyway, given the police report, your insurance company will probably just pass that straight along to the Ranger driver's insurance company.
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