URGENT: warped dash problem on '04 ('05?)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by ghostofjk, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    This is a follow-up to the "Watch out for warping dash" thread posted by priusinterested. I've spoken with him (I have the problem, too) and want to post a thread with a more urgent-sounding topic name to get input from anyone who knows they've had the problem, and possibly even some who have it in its early stages but don't know it.

    Although I have a digital camera, I haven't learned how to post pics to PC. Priusinterested will early next week when he gets his car back from the dealer.

    (If someone wants to PM me with simple instructions on how to post a pic, I'll try.)

    Important: this problem so far has become apparent only in a few '04s. It may or may not also occur in '05s, or even '06s. That's one reason for this thread.

    Problem: the lower edge of the black plastic dash, just above the upper glove box, warps upward. Eventually the raised part interferes with opening the upper glove box lid.

    When the problem becomes visually detectable, you notice a slightly irregular gap between the bottom edge of the dash and the top of the glove box. The highest-raised portion of the warpage on mine is directly below where Toyota has stamped "SRS airbag" into the plastic. Also, when you run a finger along the edge of the dash, from left to right starting at the base of the MFD, you can feel the plastic rise as it approaches the glove box.

    The passenger airbag is anchored just under the dash at this point. Therefore, if there is a wire to the airbag (anyone know?) that carries low but continuous voltage, the warping could be caused by that.

    If not, it's probably sun-caused. But why at this exact spot on at least two cars? Possibly because the plastic is thinner at this location than in the rest of the dash. I remember reading a couple of posts here recently about the plastic being so thin here that they could almost "see through" it under certain conditions.

    It's also possible that somehow clips that anchor the dash down at this location have slipped---but I doubt it. It could also be that somewhat experimental bio-plastic material that Toyota has said it's using (I think) could be prone to warpage---but it would still need a "trigger".

    Priusinterested and I both live in N CA, where our cars get sun heat probably above average (higher where I live, closer to Sacramento). A third car we know of
    that's had the problem is in AZ.

    So far a dealer has refused to fix priusinterested's (estimated to cost $850) under extended warranty, and he's contacting Toyota early next week. I have an appt. for mine Tues. morning.

    What's most bothersome to me about it is that it's likely a slow-developing problem, exposing owners to an expensive repair after their basic warranty has expired. Both of our cars are about 2-1/2 years old; both have over 36K mi.
    That's why it's important to collect data to present to Toyota, if necessary.

    So the problem may develop more quickly, if not exclusively, in hotter climates. We don't know yet. We also don't know if somehow Toyota caught and corrected it before they made the '05. If not, it may simply be too soon for it to have appeared on '05s.

    Please look at your '04-'05 and post if you see the problem (whether or not your glove-box lid binds).
  2. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Thanks for the information. Having lived in Palm Springs and El Centro, I have developed the habit of cracking a window whenever possible, using a sunshield and installing a dashcover. I've never had a dash like this, but I hope it helps to prevent this from happening.

    BTW, you can also send your pictures to a site like Photobucket and post a link to that.
  3. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    if that wire gets voltage, the airbag deploys. no voltage running through there.

    there is a screw right in that area (maybe even 2, he'd have to go out to the car to check to be sure) and it could be that the screw is missing or something.


    to find screws (2): you can see them without disassembling anything. or at least, you can see where they should be. if you're sitting in the passenger seat, upper glovebox closed, find in the top panel where the seam of the airbag is. on the right side, follow the right border of the seam straight down to where the glovebox separation is. if you push down on the top of the glovebox with your fingertips you can see where a screw should go about a half inch in from the surface. the other one, if you follow the left seam down about an inch in toward the airbag from the seam, down to the crack at the opper glovebox. this one sits a little closer to the surface. they're little black screws, #2 phillips. they hold the front edge of the upper dash panel in place. one of them is probably missing. if you open the upper glovebox, along the bottom in the back you see 2 little round plugs. pop them out. it's harder than it sounds. behind those plugs are 2 little #2 phillips black screws. take them out and the door and backing will come out in your hands. (you might need to remove the silver dash vent closest to the passenger side door, but he doesn't think so.) right at the top edge of that plastic panel across the top, there should be those screws you were looking for. there are also a ton of little clips and pins and such.

    check that out and let us know. toyota has rarely if ever had dashboard warping problems due to sun exposure.
  4. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    oh oh oh oh oh


    did you both have the fuel filler pipe TSB done???

    they have to pull that whole thing out to change the combination meter out. the upper dash comes out and sits on a workbench while they fix that.

    BETCHA THAT'S THE PROBLEM... it wasn't reinstalled correctly.
  5. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    Thanks, galaxee. I did have a recall problem fixed last year, but don't remember what it was (I'll check my paperwork). That sounds like a plausible explanation.
    Will check back.

    Edited to add info:

    My invoice from that occasion says they did 50 P, the ECM reprogramming (I still have the notice Toyota sent). But it also says they did another one, 40 L. Was that the fuel filler (it doesn't explain)?
  6. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    40l might be the brake light switch.

    ever go in complaining of inaccurate fuel gauge?

    eta: even if not, ya can't win 'em all. but he'd guess there's a screw missing and/or a pin not correctly seated. the locations are dead on.
  7. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    Nope, that day was my only TSB work. Dark here now; will look for screws in the morning.

    BTW, I can push down on the upraised ("warped") part of the dash, but it returns (springy).
  8. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    if there was a clip slipped out or something, that would happen. could be an alignment pin preventing everything else from locking in to place, kind of like putting the wrong button in a buttonhole on your shirt. messes everything down the line up.
  9. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    UPDATE: Saturday

    It appears to be strictly a problem with the glove box, NOT a dash warpage problem.

    I got the glove box out with little trouble. The two screws holding down the dash are intact. But the one farthest to the right is still only about 2" to the left of where "SRS AIRBAG" is stamped into the dash. This means there is 5" to the right of that screw where nothing anchors the dash---and this is precisely where the "warpage" looked worst.

    INSTEAD of warpage, here's how it appears to me.

    1. On each side of the glovebox is a coiled round spring, mostly covered by a round black plastic housing. One end of each spring is secured inside the housing(s)---you can't see inside the housings.

    2. But the other end of each spring protrudes out of the housing(s). They are SUPPOSED to be anchored in notches on the back of the glovebox. But the plastic has broken next to BOTH notches so that the notches won't hold those springs. The can be slid in and out of the notches with your finger, but not seated. It's a classic example of the integrity of the whole being compromised by the weakest link.

    3. When the right-hand spring, unanchored because of the broken notch, sprang upward, it put surprisingly strong pressure on the underside of the dash, actually lifting it a bit so that it appears warped. This is in the middle of that 5" stretch where there are no dash-anchoring screws. After removing the glovebox, you can achieve the same effect by pushing upward at that point with your finger. But even with the glovebox removed, although the dash material goes back downward of its own accord, it still bulges upward slightly---from the prolonged pressure. Whether it will totally return to its original position is too soon to say.

    So: in both priusinterested's and my original descriptions, in which we said the "warpage" appeared first, then the glovebox lid stopped working, we were apparently wrong. The spring would have had to have broken free first, disabling the lid partially, then the dash would have started bulging upward.

    I think it's safe to say "case closed" on this one. I've left things disassembled for now in case galaxee or anyone else reads this and has a question.

    What I don't understand is priusinterested's dealer's apparent mis-diagnosis. It is not a dash problem. It is clearly poor engineering of the glovebox, specifically the pieces of plastic adjacent to those notches being too weak to withstand the pressure of the springs.

    What causes it to happen? do not know. I don't see any way you can "abuse" the glovebox---by opening it "too fast", slamming it shut, whatever. All I can attribute it to is "plastic fatigue" from all that constant pressure exerted by the springs.

    This also tells me, intuitively, since it has nothing to do with heat, that Toyota has probably already replaced many gloveboxes---perhaps hundreds. That plastic will break in any climate. I suppose it is possible that those plastic parts, being permanently only half an inch below the surface of the dash, could weaken under intense and recurring hot sun. A plastics expert might know.

    Whether they redesigned the notches for the '05s is another matter. I'd love to pop one out and look. But I don't have access to an '05. If they didn't, the problem can be expected to affect some of those too, sooner or later. Maybe '06s, too.

    I'll stop here for now. Priusinterested, please PM me or post here to let me know you've seen this---and understand it.

    If my description has confused anyone (e.g., galaxee/DH :wub:), let me know.
  10. TucsonPrius

    TucsonPrius Member

    Mar 9, 2004
    Tucson, AZ
    2020 Prius

    How did you remove the glovebox? Just remove the two covers in the upper compartment and the screws underneath? Or did you also have to remove the rightmost vent?

    And finally, any idea as to how to fix it without replaceing the upper box?

    As you might guess, I'm having the same problem (and passed warranty).

  11. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    The glove box is not fixable. Really too bad---it's a piece of engineering unto itself, with gears to allow the lid to seem to rise "pneumatically", lots of small parts.

    Yes, I just popped the two little round cutouts in the rear of the glove box. The way I accomplished that was to gently jam a small pocket knife blade into the cutout seam and make a quick, sharp prying motion. Took about three attempts, and it did pop out. The right-hand cutout is harder to get at (if you're right-handed) than the left.

    After you remove the two screws behind the cutouts, try to pry gently under the bottom of the glove box, at the same time pulling toward yourself, to get it to start to come out---it fits very tightly. No, you don't have to remove the vent housing. But after the glove box is halfway out, you will have to pop out a small cluster of wires from a plastic receptacle in the rear of the box to get it all the way out. You'll see how to do that.

    Good luck.
  12. 200Volts

    200Volts Member

    Nov 19, 2004
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    I have an 04 and have started to get a rattle around my glove box on even mildly uneven surfaces. It sounds like something banging against the plastic dash.
    I'll pull my glove box out and look in there.
    I also live in Nor Cal and work in Pleasanton.
  13. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
  14. seasalsa

    seasalsa Active Member

    Feb 29, 2004
    Kent, WA
    2010 Prius
  15. priusinterested

    priusinterested New Member

    Nov 12, 2004
    Between Galaxy and Jack you both have this thing nailed. The dealer had done the TSB and did take the dash apart (though they still deny it..) So the misalignment was just sloppy work on their part. The two screws holding the upper glovebox had issues. They left one screw out and the other was stripped completely. Next the vent assembly was not inserted into in proper slot so the whole assembly would not seat all the way. Finally as Jack described the tabs which retain the lift spring both snapped and caused the right spring to press against the right underside of the dash. Reinserting the spring ends into the channel and super glue seems the quick fix for now. It is working, but for durability I think some plastic epoxied ver the spring to retain it would be better.

    I took pics of the before and after as well as the plastic bits at fault. My thanks to Jack for his detective work. Oh and I am pushing Toyota to re-evaluate their position of responsiblity and chosing to go to another dealer going forward. The pics sare quite large so if someone knows a place to post let me know.
  16. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusinterested @ Mar 30 2006, 07:04 PM) [snapback]232625[/snapback]</div>
    really? have they read the TSB? the one that says "pull the dash apart"? :rolleyes: un*^*&^%real.

    wow. that is one screwed up dash job, i must agree... <_<
    sounds like a job for... another dealer. if the one you're going to now is denying having done the job, and refusing to pay for the damages... yes it's time to go to another dealer and possibly run this through regional customer service if noone else will cooperate. you have the records. they know what the TSB entails. so either they failed to complete the job, or they screwed up. all their fault, no liability on you.

    see, it's people like this that give all mechanics a bad name. DH and i would like to (a) apologize on their sloppy behalf and say there are techs that care if you look hard enough and (b ) kick them in the behind. i think that second part isn't gonna happen though... :angry:
  17. priusinterested

    priusinterested New Member

    Nov 12, 2004
    Yup, I have had some really sharp Prius techs so far. Makes me worry what else they might have "fixed" Here is the pics if the dash, glovebox isse and he final fixed version.

  18. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    For anyone else who reads this:

    If those spring retainer notches were not redesigned for '05-'06, I would expect many more such failures. And I'd guess the majority of them would come after 36K mi.

    Galaxee, if you're still reading this (if not, I'll PM), your Prius is an '05, right? Any chance DH could remove your glove box and look at the spring retaining notches or whatever modification they might have made? I'm thinking only a small metal piece, perhaps slid into a slot---or possibly a well-placed, short screw, might be strong enough to withstand that constant pressure.

    Edit to add:

    Thanks for pics, priusinterested. Tough to get a close-up of that small (1/2") broken notch. But the dash looks identical to mine. People should keep an eye out for that irregularity in their dashes. It won't get worse and worse until the dash breaks---it'll just remain slightly raised in exactly that spot.
  19. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    will have him check at some point. he's barely been home this week.

    we'll see what we can do.
  20. priusinterested

    priusinterested New Member

    Nov 12, 2004
    My dash situation is taking a turn. I forwarded a detailed email which outlined the various problems my car experienced; as well as the link to the various pics showing obvious problems with the workmanship to both my dealer and to Toyota.

    Resolution: Dealer now agrees they are at fault for bad reassembly of dash following TSB as well as poor resolution of problem in timely fashion. I am taking car back again next week. They will make list of parts to replace and order, then I will return the following week to have replacement of both the dash and the upperglovebox to correct issues. No charge.

    Moral to story. When you know you are in the right. Be persistant. Be vocal.

    Ghostofjk: I would send a similar letter to both the dealer and copy Toyota CS as well. Once Toyota saw the issue the action quickly followed. My dealer still has not agreed a product defect has occurred. They still feel service degligence is to blame from the service tech not correctly reinstalling the parts originally.

    I will again write an update once the work has been completed to confirm that it can be done should anyone else experience the same sort of failure.

    My thanks to those who had helped: Ghostofjk and Galaxee have been very helpful in me id'ing the issue and convincing the dealer and factory to assist.