On the way to work going west, an eastbound car in a left-turn lane made a left turn right in front of me. Had to hit the brakes pretty hard. ABS kicked in. Missed by inches. Leaned on the horn. This is the second time that's happened in two weeks on the same road. I was going the speed limit or maybe a bit faster. I'm beginning to think some idiots underestimate the speed of a Prius thinking they're slower than other cars and that they've got more time. Prii may not accelerate as quick, but that has nothing to do with speed. Is this an example of Prius hostility or just stupid driving? Hard to believe someone would risk getting hit just to piss off a Prius driver. Has anyone else had a close call like this?
Just stupid people. Yes some people underestimate the speed of a Prius just because it is a Prius, but the majority can't even recognize you are in a Prius because all the cognitive attention is focused on the cell phone screen infront of them tweeting about who knows what. When people turn infront of me into my lane and then crawl to where I would have to turn on the brakes I make no qualms about passing them speedily and aggressively moving infront of them with little space. Yes in a Prius and also in the Leaf.
If I was placing a bet? I'd bet on....just idiots trying to turn when they should not. No way to prove or know the psychology that is percolating in their brain. Avoid the temptation to embrace "Prius Paranoia". The condition where you start to think everyone else is out to get you because you drive a Prius. Sure there are places in Oregon, where driving a Prius makes me feel like I'm being set up for a new final shot of a warped version of "Easy Rider". If I can count the gaps in the teeth of the driver of the 1970's truck beside me? I tend to start looking for a gun rack on the back window. Or a nice road side cafe I can stop. But generally? Nah....people don't hate me because I drive a Prius, I really don't think most people notice. It's a busy world.
This will all change when the self driving cars come out in 5 years. I wonder who you sue when there's nobody driving?
I've had a few recent experiences: a left turner starting rolling forward, in a curve towards me, cutting it too close. I've got no problem if they're rolling straight, but curving in towards the impact point while I'm still in front of them is plain stupid. When they do that, I hit the horn. Maybe it wakes them up.
I've driven this route for years with no problems. Only recently have these bad driving encounters happened. I hope it's not related to the pot legalization.
when others try to make a brake for it, I make sure they know I'm coming, I wish the horn was easier to push. If I get lucky and they stop and I get to pass, I drive very very slowly in front of them giving them the finger and the burns.
Self driving cars? lol, they won't be in an accident because they'll be driving you past all their sponsors shops. Well, if they're Google self drive cars they would. Call me a luddite but no thank you.
I distinctly remember the first time I TRIED to hit the horn, with a very confused merger headed right for us: got the Bluetooth set up menu voice, for my troubles.
I'd have to agree with this. One can get paranoid driving any type/make of vehicles. The world is full of dopes... and some of them cut us off on occasion.
When I first got my Prius, I did have that "Prius paranoia." But now I realize that it's the same with all cars. Here in Southern California, there are so many Prius here, it's disgusting (in a good way)
I swear I get no respect when driving my wife's Prius. Cars seems cut in front of me all the time - especially in freeway traffic. That said, sometimes drivers are just bad drivers. Occasionally, I'll have someone turn in front of me like OP's case while I'm driving my 7500lb Dodge RAM 3500.
I have to wonder if there's something in the size, shape, and angular dimensions of the Prius that causes people to perhaps think we're farther away that we really are. Starting with that visual miscue, correctly gauging the speed of an oncoming object is extremely difficult. Before you write it off, I ask you to consider that people are hit by oncoming trains all the time. Not just cars that don't want to wait but also pedestrians. Also, I grew up alongside a major river and motor boats get run over by barges more frequently than you would guess.
I might try driving to work with the lights on in the morning. (This model doesn't have daytime running lights.) Coming from the east, maybe it's a visibility issue.
The anti-Prius attitude here in Colorado is not just my imagination. I got "coal rolled" by a giant diesel pickup the other week.
Give up on the horn thing. Horns are helpful in slowly unfolding situations (such as a car backing into you in a parking lot) but not much else. If you're managing anything requiring quick action the horn won't help the other guy do what he needs to do and will hamper your actions.
Have to believe it's more that people are paying too much attention to texting/social media, rather than the roadway. Or maybe it's.....
A car of the color like yours blend in with dark asphalt easily without DRL. Especially on overcast days. Running headlights is a good idea but I'd look into some proper DRLs, the projector low beams do not make great DRLs because the lack of of light above the cutoff.