Hi everyone I am new to the forum despite having owned my prius for about 3 and 1/2 years . I have opened the hood and can kind of pin point the noise to somewhere around the electric motor. It sounds like a pump noise coming on and off. I am wondering what it is? It does not happen all of the time (which is the reason why I have not taken it to the dealer because I have know way of knowing when it is going to make the noise) and only occurs when the car is in ready mode and the engine is off i.e. either at a stoplight or in park with the car on. I guess I cannot post a link to a youtube video until I have made 5 posts so if you type in on youtube prius strange noise and see a video with the user name ianj5142590 then it is mind. The video is also only 13 seconds. If anyone can help me out or if this has happened to them I would greatly appreciate any input.
We have some smart members on this forum, but give us at least a tiny clue about the noise: Is it a whir, buzz, or ratcheting type of sound? Is it continuous or does it cycle? Do you hear it when the car is powered off? Tom
This was the noise I was talking about. I decided to just make 5 random posts so that I could put a link to a youtube video on this site. The noise is the hee haw kind of sound that goes on and off in the youtube video.
Any warning lights or messages? To rule out the AC compressor, does the noise occur when the AC system is off? The sound certainly is not normal. Maybe a sick brake actuator pump? When it gets to the point where you can demonstrate the sound on demand, I suggest you take your car to your local Toyota dealer.
Yes the noise does occur when the A/C is off. I really want to take it to the dealer I just wish that it would make that sound when I take it there. It seems to occur randomly and lately it has not made that sound in a while.
It sounds like a servo engine. My have a similar sound sometimes when standing still waiting to turn off but not so much as yours, maybe 1-2 times then long pause. Do you have any errorcodes? Try taking a plastic hose to put in ear and locate sound, like a stetoscope doctors have. Let us know what dealer say.
Thats not right. Like mentioned prev I think that may be the Inverter coolant pump located right below and behind the driver side headlight. Did your coolant pump get replaced under the Tech Service Bulletin? Listen to that closely. Its rather small and has 2 black hoses connected to it. Btw, is the Inverter coolant reservoir full and fluid show movement from circulation in the tank when car is on?
I have also noticed a slight humming noise coming from under my hood. It will also happen right after I shut off my car. I have had my Prius for a while now and it just started recently. I see Priuses everyday and have yet to find one that sounds like this.
Were you able to locate the source of this noise? My 2009 Prius is also making strange noises intermittently. Thanks, Rebecca