In Canada the $70 off on sets of 4 deal starts October 6, runs about a month. Even with rebates prices are higher than regular US, lol. But more timely for snow tire purchase.
Same here. the C may not be the most responsive accelerator, but it can cruise just fine 70-75 and get 50+mpg the whole time.
I think I answered some, but to reiterate: - Doesn't absorb bumps very well on road. You'll feel every little bump and pothole as you drive the c around. - Struggles during steep uphill ascents or if you try to floor the accelerator from a complete stop. While it can do it, it will definitely whine ala the engine when you want it to deliver max power. - Lot of wind/road noise when driving on the freeway. Be prepared to blast your music to overcome it. - Due to being a lighter car, it gets pushed around by strong gusts of wind, especially on the freeway. - You'll never want to look at a car with any mpg lower than this one again
Thanks for the advice Mendel Leisk and Ashlem, I just ordered a set of steel wheels and Michelin X-Ice Xi3 tires from Toyota and will get them on this Thursday. I am glad to be prepared for our brutal winter here in MN. I did end up getting buying 3 and getting the 4th tire for $1. That is Toyota's tire deal for the month of Oct.
As others have said, the c will handle highway hills just fine - it'll sound like it's doing a lot of work, and it is, but that's ok. To make it a bit easier for my C, instead of using cruise control on the highway, if there's an uphill section coming up, I gain speed before I get to it, then let the speed bleed off as I approach the top of the hill. Certainly nothing that, on its own, would necessitate the liftback, especially with the price difference. Edit: Just realized, I was a bit, comma happy.
Sorry to jump in late, but Corolla's wheel don't fit Prius C! Starting in '03, Corolla's went from 4 to 5 nuts. I live in Quebec, Canada, lot's of snow,ice, name it, we got this cr#p! michelin x-ice3 work wonderfully with this car. I have installed them on the OEM rims and bought mags for the summer . michelin mail-in rebate started on Oct 6th up to Dec...