Has anyone tried setting up new controls in the steering wheel of a Prius? I have the "four" package so there's a blank spot on the right side where the radar cruise and lane assist controls would be, and I would kill to have the three driving mode buttons right there for easy switching while driving around town. Is that sort of thing even technically possible?
If you're asking whether it's feasible, the answer is yes. I'm not sure whether the switches you desire are resistance-based on the same circuit (like the other steering wheel switches), or momentary switches on separate circuits, but my answer wouldn't change either way. Of course, you'd likely need a different clockspring to accommodate the new circuit(s) (Prius 5 clockspring may work), but beyond that it would be pretty simple. Nobody's life depends on some switches that control driving mode.
Awesome, I'm going to start reading up on how the inside of the console is put together and see what I might be getting into...This is pretty much the top of my "mod wishlist" right now, hopefully it turns out to be quite doable.
Okay, so I have a followup question to this...Does anyone know where I can buy the right-hand control panel from a Five steering wheel? And if necessary, the Five clockspring? I may just not know the right terminology, but I can't seem to find what I'm thinking of with Google...