I had previously installed a dash cam. Today I installed a 12v power outlet under the dash to help keep the wires hidden. Bought the outlet at Radio Shack. for about $10 pried off the panel to get access to power to tap into Threaded the red wire from the side of the console into the space behind the Prius outlet. I used the included tap to connect the red wire of the new outlet to the black wire on the Prius outlet.
I removed the glove box and attached the black wire to the same spot where the white with black strip Prius ground wires were connected to the frame on the right. I had to loosen the nut and tighten it back down onto the wire end. I threaded the dash cam wire behind the glove box as well. I tucked the wires up under the dash behind the glove box area and re-installed the glove box. All in all it wasn't too difficult.