What an odd mix of cars on that list. Maybe the C is there because: - Hypermilers are rolling through stop signs or orange traffic lights? ("But it was yellow...") But then the Liftback should be on the list, too. - Traffic officers really don't like Habanero? - Driving too slow for conditions?
The c is a relatively inexpensive car to buy, so may be enticing to younger people, along with those who work in the city and like its small size for easy parking and mpg. While it's oversimplifying, that's probably why there's a lot of c's getting ticketed, since young males may buy them, then drive them really fast, because they're young males and feel the need for speed. And it's going to cost them too if they get caught.
It's not the car....it's the driver. This isn't just speeding tickets, it's all tickets including equipment. Look through the adult Prius section and you don't see as many posts screaming about being yoked by 'the man' for tint....smoked lights...etc. The C-type appeals to a younger group.
The link does mention that the driver is ultimately responsible for getting a ticket. They also mention other popular cars such as the Chevrolet Corvette, Dodge Viper, and Nissan GT-R, which are typically owned by older males with lots of money. Who are then less likely to take risks with said cars because they cost so much, and wrecking one of those is probably going to cost a pretty penny, not to mention ruin your pride a little bit, or a lot, depending on how famous you are.
I have theory. Purely speculative. No basis in stats or data. But since I got my Prius, I've gotten two speeding tickets. And if anything my driving habits with The Prius are far less aggressive than with any of my prior vehicles. IMO both my speeding tickets were bogus or really not fair. But especially in the case of my first one? The Officer actually seemed "Proud" or happy to be ticketing a Prius. Almost like it was a game or that he was going to get "extra" brownie points around the police office water cooler for ticketing a Prius. I know you are talking Prius c, but my theory is that with some police officers they actually are paying attention to the presence of a Prius or Hybrid, more than the general "herd" of vehicles in passing. I had driven several vehicles and hadn't gotten a speeding ticket in about 10-15 years, then I get two in less than 12 months with a Prius? Coincidence? Maybe..... I would also say, that in all honesty I had to adjust a little to The Prius when I first got it. It's design, which I think is made to have it glide and coast more efficiently, means that it will pick up speed going down hills quicker than most vehicles. At work when I tell people I've gotten two speeding tickets driving a Prius, they look at me like I've accomplished some magical spell or done something near to impossible. In my lacking defense, it's easier to get ticketed with a Prius than I think a lot of people would imagine.
the car doesn't blend in... it sticks out... IE memorable and if a police officer can more easily single you out...they will...
Haha, that explains why I usually got a lot of looks from people in my Prius c. I saw other c's about 5 other times myself. Then when I got the liftback, no one bats an eye because they're all over the road.
I say my new dream car yesterday. It was a Mercedes sedan with a V8 and twin turbos. Yikes. I was tempted to ask the guy driving what line of work he was in. And I am afraid to look it up to see what the price is. And back on subject....... Any car that is really smooth and quiet makes it easier to exceed the speed limit without realizing it. For it's size, I think the C is smooth and quiet.
C+ it's quick off the line quick to change lanes first out of the pack and easy to point a radar at. iPhone ?
well, it is to be expecte. You got a entry level car that young people can afford, add the high mpg, which equals more driving, which means a greater chance to be tickete... Oh yeah and I probably contributed to that list, all the parking was filled up so I parked right on a grass embankment like I saw some people do on a few occasions, but I guess it was my unlucky day... Was pretty dam expensive parking too, $40 for 20 minutes
That might be a really good catch. But are parking tickets really classified as "traffic" tickets ?? IIRC, they aren't. Both pictures in the article show parking tickets but then the text refers to "traffic tickets".
The article doesn't specify traffic tickets. It just says traffic violations. Parking tickets count as traffic violations. Per wikipedia: "A traffic ticket is a notice issued by a law enforcement official to a motorist or other road user, accusing violation of traffic laws. Traffic tickets generally come in two forms, citing a moving violation, such as exceeding the speed limit, or a non-moving violation, such as a parking violation, with the ticket also being referred to as a parking citation, notice of illegal parking or parking ticket."