Hi guys, I'm thinking about upgrading my 2012 Prius C3's radio. I've been reading through the posts here and looks like as long as I have a decent budget to buy all the different accessories to make the steering wheel controls and USB/AUX connectors work, I should be in pretty good shape. But what I haven't seen mentioned (or maybe I missed it), is what about the car setup options that are on the current radio? Like configuring things like the doors locking after shifting into gear and things like that. Will I lose the ability to configure those things if I switch out the radio, or is there a different way of configuring those things? I know I will lose the Trip Information screen, which I kinda like as it shows realtime MPG usage and a bar graph of the MPG for the past several minutes... But I can live with that. Thank you!
those functions are on the upper display, not the radio. they should still work, but I haven't swapped out my radio yet so I cannot confirm. You will the realtime mpg capability.
The configuration options I'm talking about are found by pressing the Setup button on the radio, then choosing Vehicle. The options include: Auto Lock by Speed Auto Lock by Shift from P Auto Unlock by Shift to P and a couple of other similar options. The realtime MPG display can be found by pressing the Car button on the radio, and it displays a nice Trip Information screen that includes a bar graph for the MPG for every minute you've been driving for the past 15 minutes, plus the current realtime MPG. I haven't seen this information on the upper display.
If you use something like an iDatalink Maestro and an iData-compatible stereo, you can retain the vehicle settings menu. Adds about $100* and somewhat narrows the list of stereos you can use. *that’s $100 beyond the cost of a standard steering wheel control/handsfree/rear camera integration, which is itself about $100 more than an “audio-only” stereo installation.
Thanks never seen that before? How would it show the same data layout if that graph under CAR is Prius C specific in the OEM audio display?
It may not be showing exactly the same layout. The idea is that the car can communicate the menu choices to the Maestro box, and it will forward them to the stereo. The stereo captures the response and sends it back. Neither the Maestro or the stereo really knows what they’re doing- they just know that they were asked to present, not unlike a web browser interpreting HTML. A different browser might render things a bit differently, and you should expect similar quirks from an iData rig.