Hm, good luck, and sorry to hear that valuable data was lost. But parking right off of the worse block of SoMa (6th between Mission and Folsom, including Minna and Natoma streets) probably wasn't the greatest idea... And what's important research data doing on a laptop without backups?
Wow... some people are really naive. She's asking for donations so she can post up a reward poster too. Haha.
Yeah sorta of agree Presto, she's a Doc and has to wait for a donation of $50 to post the reward poster. Please don't insult me. . . Wildkow
I can't suspend disbelief long enough to donate on this one. "I'm a doctor and I have enough money to go clubbing but I can't afford a reward poster so that I can retrieve this priceless trial data for an HIV vaccine." But... "I have plenty of time to put up this web page and collect donations of $1 ea. towards this effort." (OK, it wasn't a quote.) Get a new laptop and do BACKUPS next time Doc.
Just got done watching an episode of "24"...this smells like conspiracy to me. Money is being funnelled to insurgents in a foreign country..who are planning on launching an attack called "CANDY" see...too much TV!
This looks just too goofy.... Anyone who doesn't have insurance is gambling.. why should anyone donate for thier stupidity?.... I donate every month to my insurance company so I don't have to worry about such things... If they were too cheap to do that, they shouldn't have overextended themselves and should have gotten a cheaper car they could insure. If your going to spend the bucks.. insure it ... otherwise don't beg for money when the thief comes.... But I question this whole story at all... Just like I question every time I see a beggar begging on the street corner.... too many scams begging for a handout....... those beggars make more money than us who make an honest living.... I think she's fishing for sucker fish, and appealing to prius owners who typically are soft hearted green thinkers. If I'm wrong.. you can sue me.
Doesn't comprehensive insurance cover contents? Or a renter's/homeowner's policy cover the laptop? The Tenderloin/SOMA SFPD isn't gonna bother with this one. Pretty sure that even if you have a video of the suspect, they aren't gonna do anything. Maybe a reward would work in Nebraska or Montana... Lesson learned here: pay the $2.50/hr to park at the 5th and Mission lot a block away.
This is a SCAM. It's as good as SPAM! Did the person who posted it here just think it was funny and wanted to share with us? I remember my sister showing me a site where a girl went on a spending bonanza and maxed all her cards (so she said). She was getting thousands of dollars from around the world with her sob story and how she was going to pay off her debt with the donations of all the stupid people buying into her crap. My sister wanted to do it too but luckily she doesn't have the heart or balls to lie like that (I hope). Besides it's easier to get her money from mom and dad. :lol:
Agreed, how on earth could a doctor not have the money to do this tmeselvbes (and how could any doctor be that stupid???) Sounds like a big scam to me... besides, where are the pics of the burglarized car???
First off when you get an alarm sys you need one with glass break detector.. Its the latest craze find a car with tinted windows (use a window punch, small enough they can hide in their hand ) pick a window plink the window is shattered entry is made and the car is ransacked in 2min or less.. Things the bad guys are looking for? When you leave anything of value out in plain sight, cash, camera, laptop, speaker box or even stereo ,amp or speaker window stickers.. Try and park in a well lit open area, get a good alarm w/ glassbreak & interior motion & remember do not leave valuables out where others can see them... I just got lojack for my laptop... It may be a bogus story, but should open the realm that vehicle break-ins do happen..
I can't believe no one picked up on the OBVIOUS hole in the story. She said she was using a Powerbook right? And a Dr.? No one that smart would use a Mac. I mean get real, she must have half a brain.
LOL er, you are kidding, right? I'm using a Powerbook right now, ssh'd into a Gentoo Linux box and using rdesktop tunneled to another XP server and telneted through that into another strongArm based linux box which is linked via a proprietary wireless network to a WinCE pda... Dave
:angry: MODERATOR - MODERTOR</span> I can't believe such nonsense is posted in this forum, or that Prius owners and those interested would fall for such a tale. But then, P.T. Barnum said it <span style=\'color:red\'>"A fool is born every minute!" Is this another form of PHISHING or PHARMING? I hope every PriusChat reader has better sense than to send money to this scam. MODERATOR: Please bar this crook from our forum.
:angry: MODERATOR - MODERTOR</span> I can't believe such nonsense is posted in this forum, or that Prius owners and those interested would fall for such a tale. But then, P.T. Barnum said it <span style=\'color:red\'>"A fool is born every minute!" Is this another form of PHISHING or PHARMING? I hope every PriusChat reader has better sense than to send money to this scam. MODERATOR: Please bar this crook from our forum.
Guess you haven't been around NIH much. Macs on every desk. In fact, every academic medical dept I have worked in have been at least mac equal, if not mac dominant. I know this is just a troll, and it's ok. After reading neocon babble, mac trolling just doesn't itch.
Whoah - the perpetrator hasn't posted here - don't confuse Peter, the author of the post on PC with the author of the webpage. He's been posting here for a year according... Hmm... so should the post be removed? Hmm... Dave
i bet ya the idiot will find people stupider than her who are willing to part with their money...although... so far she has received nothing...hehehe.