MSRP is $30304 and Cash price quoted is $24,630. In other words, that is a $5674 off of MSRP. This price includes $1500 manufacturer cash rebate. Is this is a great price? If so, I want to make the purchase today. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
A great price is really in the eyes of the buyer. If you feel it's a great price and the numbers look right to you. That's all that matters. I personally think that's a great price.
First and only post on PC asking our opinion on a dealer's price on a hyCam? No information at all about the car...
Well I like to look at Camry Hybrid price to compare to Camry ICE price and get the hybrid delta. What I do for this is go to and select new cars which they have a few places like MD. Sounds like a good price to me, well about $1500 less than I expected or maybe $2500 less.
2015 Camrys / hybrids are looking MUCH nicer all around than the 2014.5 n earlier I like the SE trim. Gone is the tacky Silver grainy trim piece around the shifter. Now it's Black and smooth. The shifter has a leather like boot around it. Also, SE trim gets red stichting in the seats, dash, shifter boot and steering wheel. The interior materials in all trims are nicer and there's a new gauge set with display in between. Ah, the wheels .... the SE and XLE wheels are sharp! The XLE wheels are sharper the Accord EX (conventional) wheels IMO. You can still get plastic covers over steel wheels if that's your thing (personally, yuck). XSE wheels are 18", a first in any Camry. Ultrasuede seats and door panels The 2015's look sleeker all around, not so boxy like the 2012 to 2014.5. They look more athletic also. Wheel track is slightly wider too. Something like 150 more spot welds to stiffen up the chassis. Edmunds calls it more 'confidence inspiring to drive' although not necessarily sporty, even in XSE trim, but that's ok. It's not a sports car. There's a lot of talk about the fish-mouth front grill on the 2015's and they have that kind of shape, but they still look nice. I can see some people trading out of Prius for HyCam. Just a matter of time here.