So I am currently Rocking a Honda CRZ. I drive about 600 miles a week, so I am pretty dead-set on high efficiency vehicle. I had 3 questions, to which I have found basic answers online, but would love to have some experienced owner input. I live in PA. How are these things in the snow? I have read they are well balanced and do quite well, but wanted to see if anyone had PA snow/sleet/ice driving experience. Going with the PA thing, what kind of mileage are PA drivers getting? Our rolling hills can really throw off a hybrid. Lastly, I have a 125 pound Alaskan Malamute. Can he fit? Going with that, are these dog friendly cars... stain resistant? clean-ability? do the seats "grab hair?"
Well, I probably can't answer all of your questions, but I'll share my experiences with you. Regarding winter driving, get snow tires, preferably on their own wheels so you can simply swap them out with the all-seasons. I had the Michelin X-Ice XI3 on my c last winter in Wisconsin, and with all the snow/ice/cold we got, I had almost no trouble whatsoever. My car did temporarily stall when I tried to drive through about 5 inches of snow at one point, but the tires managed to grab and kept me going. But driving through unplowed areas with more than 3 inches tended to be a bit scary on the rural roads I was taking to work. Definitely plan ahead and find alternate routes if possible, especially in major streets that will likely get plowed first by the city. When there wasn't a ton of unplowed snow on the ground, the c handled just fine. The Michelin tires according to tirerack drove much like all-seasons would on winter roads, which helped on days where it was just cold. I was usually more worried about other cars hitting me because they didn't have snow tires on (you can usually tell right away if they have them or not by seeing if they slip and slide when it's icy). On my route to work, about 19 miles with 2/3 freeway, 1/3 suburb driving, I averaged 55-58 mpg in the summer, and 42-45 in the wintertime. There are some up and downhill sections, but nothing major. But just so you know, going fast on a steep uphill will make the c whine as it struggles to keep up the speed. Regarding the dog, it might be a tight fit for it even with the rear seats down. You might be better off with a liftback (the original prius) or even the prius v (the "station wagon" version that's longer) if you have to take your dog in your car regularly. If you get the c trim four (or trim 4 and 5 in the liftback, and trim Five in the v), it comes with softex seats, which is sort of a faux-leather, and cleaning it up is pretty easy. I'd imagine cloth seats may catch dog hair more easily and make removing it more difficult, so something to keep in mind. If most of your driving is city or suburb, the c gets excellent mileage so long as it's not completely stop and go. It also has a small turning radius, so you can probably do a U-turn on most streets, and parallel parking is much easier in the c. If you do a lot of freeway driving, the liftback may be a better choice. Not that the c can't handle the freeway, just that its smaller engine and design works against it if you need to go really fast, so it won't efficient as the liftback, especially if you tend to drive 70-75 regularly.
Thanks for the info! Driving 600 miles a week, I don't tend to speed. I don't need to haul the dog in it often, I just want to make sure I could get him in there if need be. I am thinking he actually could fit, but probably couldn't get the whole way upright. Unfortunately, my drive is over 90% freeway. So I am usually cruising at about 70. Think that's doable, if I ease it up the hills?
There is one issue with dogs, especially if they shed: there's a fan pulling air from the cabin, over the hybrid battery, and out. It can get clogged with pet hair. Just being cognisant of this, maybe putting some sort of open mesh cover over the inlet (stocking material, bug screen, etc) should keep you out of trouble. I've heard the 2nd generation Prius traction control is too hair trigger in snow, the 3rd gen is better in this regard. With a good set of snow tires the car is fine, except for low ground clearance. Somewhere between 8" and a foot you will get stuck, no matter what tires you're using.
We drive to Pittsburgh all the time. MPG is going to be down a bit due to hills, but not too bad...maybe 46 vs. 50 MPG. I see lots of Prii out that way now. At 600 mile/week that's a quite strong rationale for a Prius. I assume you are talking a relatively new Gen3 Prius, which is a little more dog proof than the pre-2009 Gen2: re: clogging hybrid battery fan.
I was looking at Prii C. I have a CRZ Hybrid now... Which I love. But the whole two seat thing is killing me.
Of's a "c" thread... I have a friend in Pittsburgh with "c" so I thinks it's fine around town, hills, snow and all. Ditto Ashlem your user profile though sounds a little more like Prius Liftback.
Although I live in flatland MI, I have made several trips out east to NH. My C2 got excellent mileage in the mountains. Remember you may get poor mileage while going up the mountain, but, while going down you'll get unbelievable MPG's. Also I've found my C to be quite competent in deep snow. I use aggressive Nokian snow tires and have had no problems with Michigan's snow and horrible roads. The county I used to live in is notorious for not plowing its roads so I know from experience. Finally regarding your dog it won't be much of a problem. My 110 pound mutt, who I sadly recently lost, fit with no problems. The C is a wonderful car. I'm sure a regular Prius is also.
Sorry you lost your pooch. That's always tough. Did the dog ride in the backseat, cargo, or both with seats folded? Thanks!
I always folded the rear seats down as it was just him and myself. He could have fit in the rear seats, but, I didn't want them covered with hair. The rear cargo area with rear seats not folded down would probably have been tight. The only trouble with dogs is they don't live long enough, they're great companions. Best of luck and thanks.
He doesn't have the C in his profile because he sold it to me. I currently have his 2012 C, and he has a 2014 liftback. imbatman58, the C will suit you fine if you do most of your driving in the city. But you stated you do mostly highway so a liftback might be better for you. The liftback also has more HP so it's easier to keep up with traffic. My C has no problems keeping up with traffic, it's when I need to get pass people or get into another lane. The C doesn't have enough power so I pretty much have to slow down and wait for an opening. As for snow tires, my brother will only buy the X-Ice 3 and nothing else. Here in Milwaukee, unless you live very far outside the city limit, most streets are plowed pretty fast. The X-Ice 3 is made for driving in the snow and on city street that are plowed. I have a 14 pound teddy bear dog and he hates riding in my Prius C cus he can't get any traction on the fake leather seats, lol. I can't leave him in the backseat because he's too hairy and he doesn't sit still he's constantly moving around.
Oops I wasn't trying to pry into Ashlem's car sales relationships. Rather I was trying to say the same thing you are saying: the "profile" of Imbatman proposed use is more like a Liftback. Regarding snow tires, I can only say I saw a wooly bear caterpiller the other day...totally black no brown that a bad sign? Yikes! I was going to suggest Nokian WG3 all seasons, but maybe the snow tires given woolly bears. OP: since this is a "c" thread I did not want to come out and say you just gotta get a Liftback for your case, but you're getting quite clear comments saying that to you. Is there a reason you want a "c" (cost?).
When you bought the wheels, what did you get? I'm not sure which ones to buy from a dealer or other place. where did you buy yours? I'm going for wheels and snow tires this week and will take your advice and get Michelin X-Ice XI3. I am pricing them online now.
^ For steel rims I got these: Corolla steel rim, part no: 42611-02471 (2008+ model year?) steel rim lug nuts: 90942-01007 (plain, open-ended, galvanized)
I bought the cheapest wheels tirerack had at the time, which unfortunately were alloy wheels. They didn't have any steel wheels when I ordered it. Sport Edition F2 Silver Painted I have since heard that Sport Edition isn't a great wheel, but for snow tire purposes it did its job well enough for me. I would probably just go with what Mendel Leisk recommended if you're looking for steel wheels. Darn, Michelin had a $70 rebate if you bought them last month, and tire rack had a $50 one (could only pick one or the other though). But I would get them anyway, because you don't want to wait until it starts snowing or getting icy. Not sure when they do their promotional rebates though, but a quick googling reveals it's usually in early spring/fall.